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Latextools does not compile document that is compiled in Overleaf #1593

Open iacanay opened 4 months ago

iacanay commented 4 months ago

Hi. I'm using the Krantz book template from overleaf. When I add the hyperref package, then the document does not compile in Sublime but the same document does compile in Overleaf (though in Overleaf it returns the same error : Undefined control sequence. [\tableofcontents]. It does compile well without hyperref. I do not expect to solve the conflict between the definition of \tableofcontents in the class and hyperref, but I would like to understand why I can compile this in Overleaf and not in Sublime text. Thanks a lot.

Example below:

\documentclass[krantz1]{krantz} \usepackage[colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue, linkcolor=blue]{hyperref}

\begin{document} \tableofcontents \mainmatter

\chapter{My chapter} \section{Introduction} This is a test document

\section{Main section} This is a test document too. \end{document}