SublimeText / Mermaid

:tropical_fish: The Sublime Text package for Mermaid diagrams
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Readme example fails; could use a little more detail on usage #1

Open tomhundt opened 3 months ago

tomhundt commented 3 months ago

Hi, new to mermaid and to this plugin. Thank you for making it available!


The example given in the readme fails, at the moment. Looks like inline comments are broken for "graph TB" diagrams. I naively used this as my initial test and it wasn't working at all. (I know, this isn't your fault.)

sublime graph TB inline comment failure

Couple that with errors displayed on both the Package Control page:

packagecontrol io no support mermaid

and the Github one:

github graph TB inline comment failure

... and everything seemed a little shakey, for a while. I was able to test in parallel in VSCode and managed to figure stuff out.


  1. Use a trivial Hello, world example. (Can have a fancy one as an additional example to show off the coolness ;-) )
  2. Add usage. How to run it in the most foolproof manner -- is it better to start with a .mermaid file or a .md one? Use the Build feature or is there some other way?
  3. What is expected to happen. Turns out it creates .png files in the same location as the input file.

I'm spoiled by Markdown Preview, because somehow I was expecting a browser window to pop up with the markdown and mermaid output seamlessly integrated. Guess I need to go talk to those people to suggest they add support for your plugin...


ToddBradley commented 2 weeks ago

I'm in the same boat as @tomhundt . I've got Mermaid installed, and I've got the Mermaid package for Sublime Text installed. But now what? I can create a Mermaid file, set it as Mermaid syntax, and then do the command Build With: Mermaid. That leaves me with a .png file. OK, cool. But how do I embed Mermaid code in my Markdown and make them play together?