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Use `sublime.choose_font_dialog` when editing `font_face` setting #393

Open FichteFoll opened 12 months ago

FichteFoll commented 12 months ago

Since build 4156, ST has an sublime.choose_font_dialog API that opens a font choose dialog. Even though ST already provides its own menu entry to edit the main font (Preferences > Font > Choose…), PD could still offer to open the dialog for any Preferences file.

As for how exactly, I'm considering

FichteFoll commented 11 months ago

It appears the results of this API aren't exactly exciting when it comes to sub-families. Selecting any font of the Roboto Mono family (… Thin, … Light, … Regular, … Thin Italic, etc.) always results in {'font_face': 'Roboto Mono', 'font_size': 10}.