SublimeText / PhpDoc

PhpDoc support package.
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Sublime text 3 compatibility #11

Open brice opened 11 years ago

brice commented 11 years ago

Is there any plan to make this plugins compatible with Sublime Text 3?

mihai-vlc commented 11 years ago

it works just fine in ST3 just clone it in the packages folder
git clone

brice commented 11 years ago

i tried it but i think i'm not doing it right cause it doesn't work.

mihai-vlc commented 11 years ago

@brice it works just fine just go to the line before the method type /\ and press Ctrl+space

brice commented 11 years ago

I think the package is not take in account. I made the git clone in .config/sublime-text-3/Packages. But after that nothing seems to work and i don't see any settings about the phpdoc package.

mihai-vlc commented 11 years ago

what os do you have ? Make sure you do it in the folder you open from Preferences->Browse Packages

brice commented 11 years ago

I have Ubuntu 64 bit and i did it on the folder open from the Browse Packages action

alexrussell commented 11 years ago

The package may be compatible with ST3, but it's listed as ST2 only on Will Bond's packages site. Any chance of getting that rectified somehow?


yvmarques commented 10 years ago

I have sent a pull request to make phpdoc compatible with the SublimeText 3.

jbrooksuk commented 10 years ago

I'm just looking at ensuring everything works and merging #9.

paulodiovani commented 10 years ago

Working on Sublime Text 3, installed by Package Manager.

I think it just needs and update on the README and then, close this issue.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I've just downloaded this and I'm trying to get it to work with ST3. ( on Mavericks )

Typing /\ and ctrl+space or cmd+space does nothing but create a new line.

When I type /* and tab ( my autocomplete ) all I get are new lines with \ on them, I don't think this is working as intended.

After more testing, it seems that the PHPDoc package is not overriding the default 'DocBlock' autocomplete that ships with ST3.

I disabled all packages and did the /\ autocomplete without any packages and I get the same result with or without PHPDoc installed.

brice commented 10 years ago

Same behavior on my configuration (linux ubuntu 12.04 with ST3)

jbrooksuk commented 10 years ago

I've just checked this on my OSX Mavericks install and pressingctrl+space after /** has expanded to the complete comment header code as expected.

@rawrkats and @brice did you install via Package Control? I've just installed fresh from PC and it worked fine :+1:

MarkKnochen commented 10 years ago

I can write a DocBlock .. but how can I generate the documetation? The rightclick on a file or folder doesn't work.

hannenz commented 10 years ago

I can confirm the same behavior as @brice and @rawrkats mentioned. I am running sublime-text3 on elementaryos (e.g. Ubuntu 12.04) and installed PhpDoc throuogh Package Control.

mmswiderski commented 10 years ago

I can also confirm same behavior as @brice @rawrkats amd @hannenz.

ST3, phpDoc from package Control.

Linux version 3.11.0-15-generic (buildd@batsu) (gcc version 4.8.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu8) ) #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 9 18:17:04 UTC 2013

hannenz commented 10 years ago

I have reinstalled the package and now it works but it is only working for files with .php extension. I have many .inc files and i am using phpdoc all over my porojects (sass, js, whathaveyou). Is there a way to configure the file extensions or switch of detection completely?

1e1 commented 10 years ago

I had the same issue (Ubuntu:Unity:FR & ST3). I works while I type: "/**" then I go to to menu Edit > Completion. The menu doesn't show the keyboard shortcuts. A friend on Debian:Gnome2:FR & ST2 has the keyboard shortcuts in the menu. It isn't CTRL+SPACE, but ALT+/.

And it works fine ^^

mmswiderski commented 10 years ago

@1e1 TY, works for me too ^_^

Linux Mint 16 “Petra” Cinnamon

jklegseth commented 10 years ago

OSX 10.9.3, Sublime 3 (Stable 3059), installed via Package Manager, same behavior noted by @mmswiderski, @brice, @rawrkats, @hannenz.

damko commented 10 years ago

@1e1 is right. It works for me on linux mint Alt+/ is the right shortcut. I installed it the packages dir using git clone

ajberasategui commented 10 years ago

XUbuntu 14.04 same problem as @brice /\ [tab] produces the following: /* */

/\ [ctrl+space] --> Nothing

/\ then going to Edit->Show Completions Produces the expected result. Edit->Show Completions has shortcut alt+/ for auto_completion but it does not works using the shortcut, only works when clicking on menu option.

ST 3 - Package Installed via Package Controll.

kjda commented 9 years ago

Not working here

ST Build 3065 Ubuntu 14

I installed it using Package manager. I also tried cloning it. PhpDoc is showing in the "Browse Packages" folder

clicking Ctrl+space just do nothing

pablo-sg-pacheco commented 9 years ago

Same problem here

Gliptal commented 9 years ago

For me it works with CTRL+Space, but it doesn't with TAB. I'm on Windows 8.

toverux commented 9 years ago

@ajberasategui I had exactly the same problem but the shortcut for Alt+/ works. More precisely, the slash key on the numeric pad doesn't works, instead I use Alt+Shift+/ (the slash near the AltGr key).

JulianaApolo commented 9 years ago

Same problem here.

piersb commented 8 years ago

Identical results to ajberasategui. OSX Yosemite 10.10.5.

I have Quicksilver installed, which is over-riding ^-Space. Setting "auto_complete_commit_on_tab": true in user preferences makes no difference. No joy with Alt-Shift-/ or Alt-/

ST3, package installed via package control

jinkrish commented 8 years ago

build:3103 - already there is a snippet in the format /**,tab that produces /* / installing this is not producing expected doc block. :cry: sad.

knifesk commented 7 years ago

Ubuntu 16.04, same problem.. solved by typing /**, then ctrl+space and then go down until the /** autocomplete and press TAB. Quite impractical though...

DrupaListo-com commented 6 years ago

NOTE: I've noticed that after instaling the package via Package Control, you NEED to re-open the current file ( = close it and open it again) and it works after that.

smileBeda commented 1 year ago

This behaviour still happens (same as mentioned many times by many other users):

  1. OSX 13.3 (22E252)
  2. Sublime Text 3 (latest version)

Just type /** on top of any function, autocomplete it and all that happens is you get a pop up with hundreds of options to choose from, the first one being Start Docblock which inserts a silly


(it doesn't even close)

You've another hundred or so options to add @see etc, which if chosen, do nothing but add another * line to the docblock.

In other words, this is as broken as it gets or, if intended to work like that, as useless as it gets. Errors show in the console:

reloading python 3.3 plugin PhpDoc.CodeDoc
top level value must be an array
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings

Also ensured that no other package generates the conflict..
