SublimeText / PowerShell

Support for the MS PowerShell programming language.
MIT License
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[WIP] Rewrite syntax definition in YAML #165

Open michaelblyons opened 4 years ago

michaelblyons commented 4 years ago


New improvements

Regression log

Further improvement possible

If you're feeling adventurous, try it out and let me know what you think. Please comment with (hopefully sane) test cases that I'm missing.

theaquamarine commented 4 years ago

Isn't PowerShell/EditorSyntax's PowerShellSyntax.tmLanguage effectively canonical for anything that's not using an actual parser for highlighting? What would moving away from using that offer, when it's maintained by the PowerShell team and tested by the combined userbase of this package, VSCode, and anything else using it?

It's true that the definition in this package isn't updated often, but at least now bugs can be resolved by manually replacing the tmLanguage file in the package's folder, but moving to a different language definition would mean having to port any changes and maintain a separate set of tests.

deathaxe commented 4 years ago

This is the SublimeText organization here. So I can't see a reason why using the latest/proper syntax-format which supports the full set of features the editor's engine has to offer is a problem.

Anyone is free to fork the package for use in other text editors.

michaelblyons commented 4 years ago

The PowerShell "EditorSyntax" tmLanguage is currently... really bad. You might even notice that some contexts will include another context multiple times.

There is an operation underway wherein a committed contributor has been experimenting with making it significantly better... for VS Code. His PR looks good, but it has been ongoing for over a year, and critically, it does not compile with Sublime Text. It does go further in scope than this PR (and attempts to fully comprehend individual statement state, rather than the minimal context-awareness that I have built upon).

I have a branch wherein I have cleaned up that PR to the point where ST can at least parse it, but

I do not have the chutzpah to ask the PR author to rewrite his yearlong effort without the VS Code secret sauce. šŸ˜„

rwols commented 4 years ago

Built-in functions are highlighted properly, but user functions lack a variable.function scope. For instance, in this snippet addSchedule and injectScheduler are user-defined functions. I'm not sure how feasible it would be to add this feature. It looks to be a significant effort, because variable assignment can have whitespace in-between the =-sign, making it hard to predict whether the current token is going to be a variable assignment or a function call. On the other hand, variable assignments always start with a $-symbol.

for ($i=1; $i -le 3; $i++) {
    start-process $stPath
    $startTime = get-date
    $timeout = $false
    while (-not (test-path $outFile) -or (get-item $outFile).length -eq 0) {
        write-host -nonewline "."
        if (((get-date) - $startTime).totalseconds -ge 10) {
            $timeout = $true
            if ($i -eq 3) {
                throw "Timeout: Sublime Text is not responding."
        start-sleep -seconds 1
    if ($timeout) {
        stop-process -force -processname sublime_text -ea silentlycontinue
        if (test-path $schedule_target) {
            remove-item $schedule_target -force

(snippet is from by the way)

michaelblyons commented 4 years ago

Does the = have to be on the same line? It's possible that the Bash stuff you wrote can be reproduced here to include a [ \t]*, but the other considerations involved in fully parsing statements is beyond my current ability. šŸ˜‰

It might be feasible to write something with ST4-style branches, but in order for me to do it, I think I'd have to try BenjaminSchaaf/sbnf, and it won't be releasable until ST4 is out.

rwols commented 4 years ago

ping @vors

FichteFoll commented 3 years ago

By modern standards, a .sublime-syntax will always have the edge over a tmLanguage file with regards to readability, capability, and maintainability. As such, since we are within the SublimeText organization, I believe it is in our best interest to provide the best experience for ST possible.

There hasn't been a reply to this PR in over a year by a maintainer, so I will exert my ownership power to add a new maintainer. Guillermo, the initiator of this repo, has been AWOL for quite a while now as well.

@michaelblyons, I am adding you as a collaborator to this repo. I know you have enough experience with handling packages, so I trust you to handle this well. Note that the package still uses branch-based releases, so before merging this, you should adjust the PCC entry to use tags (and adjust the ST build selector).

You may also consider revamping the other contents of this package, such as the random color scheme that has no business here imo and whetever snippets or completions are provided. Just remember to also include an update message for the users of the package explaining the potentially radical changes.

And finally, you should change the readme of to not include this repo anymore. :wink:

michaelblyons commented 3 years ago

Thanks to @FichteFoll for the vote of confidence, and to @rwols for the nudge to get this rolling. Here's the tentative plan: