SublimeText / WordHighlight

Highlight all copies of the currently selected word.
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Rename Refactoring #46

Closed caiofbpa closed 11 years ago

caiofbpa commented 11 years ago

Consider the example:

for(t=0; t <= D.nt; t++){

In this case I want to rename the variable t. If I select t, WordHighlight correctly highlights only the occurrences inside the for loop definition.

If I use SublimeText's Ctrl+Command+G to select all occurrences though, it will select the ts inside the for loop definition but also the letters t in output_tick. SublimeText doesn't seem to know what a word means, and selects all characters.

Since WordHighlight is already finding all word occurrences correctly, I think it would be reasonable to add a way of extending the current selection to all those occurrences, so we can rename them.

adzenith commented 11 years ago

Luckily it already exists! E.g.

FichteFoll commented 11 years ago

Sublime Text has two different behaviors for selecting all occurences.

  1. Whole word match, when you don't have a selection ST will automatically extend the selection to the current word and then select all the same words.
  2. As you described, when you actually select the sequence/word you want to find it will also search for them within words.

Jon mentioned this in a forum post but I don't bother to search for it.

Edit: Meh, I started this reply 2 hours ago and didn't update the page.