SubnauticaModding / QModManager

Config based patch management for Subnautica and Subnautica: Below Zero
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I cant save or install mods #263

Closed MagicJungle7053 closed 2 years ago

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

After I installed Qmodmanager it doesn't let me create save games nor let me use mods Here is the log:

Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-0000027016F3B040.dll Initialize engine version: 2019.4.9f1 (636) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (ID=0x1f99) Vendor: VRAM: 3962 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Subnautica (06/01/2022 18:22:14) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.9.636 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Warning: BepInEx] Shimming C:\Users\Riley\Desktop\DUMP\BepInEx\patchers\BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [MirrorInternalLogs] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.QModPluginGenerator] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.UnityAudioFixer] [Info : BepInEx] 5 patcher plugins loaded [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading preloader patchers from mod [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading 0 preloader patchers from mods... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Attempting to enable Unity audio... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Unity audio enabled. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Fatal :QModPluginGenerator] An exception occurred while attempting to generate BepInEx PluginInfos: Could not resolve type with token 01000026 (from typeref, class/assembly Oculus.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader, Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null). [Fatal :QModPluginGenerator] Beginning stacktrace: [Fatal :QModPluginGenerator] at QModManager.QModPluginGenerator.GetPluginCache () [0x00000] in <3064c81e2543464ab3b761446af64c51>:0 at QModManager.QModPluginGenerator.Finish () [0x00000] in <3064c81e2543464ab3b761446af64c51>:0 [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Finding plugins from mods... [Info : BepInEx] 2 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QModManager.LogFilter 4.3.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QMMLoader 4.3.0] [QModManager:INFO] Detected game: Subnautica [QModManager:INFO] Game Version: 68020 Build Date: 01-January-0001 [QModManager:INFO] Loading QModManager v4.3 built for Subnautica v65786... [QModManager:INFO] Today is 06-January-2022_18:36:28 [QModManager:INFO] Game Folder structure:

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

Btw I deleted Nitrox

desperationfighter commented 2 years ago

QMod and Nitrox do not work together in some cases QMod even has issue to start up after removing Nitrox as Nitrox interact with some files. [QModManager:ERROR] There was an error while trying to apply Harmony patches. that can be an indicator. So ist tend to be more an external Error than a Bug. The best you can do are this 2 Steps:

  1. Reverify the Game -> as you are using MSStore version its sadly the best to redump it. (pro tip just make a backup copy next time so you can may switch between Nitrox/Qmod/Vanilla if you wish).

  2. the MSStore version is ahead of time. There is currently no QMod Stable release for that. So in case you Error is continues you can try the eperimental Version that fixes some issues for MSStore Version. Download -> -> SN.EXP

If you still encounter any error i recommen to visit the Modding Discord:

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

Thanks man good day.

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

Now I get this:

Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001E4A8FD2040.dll Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001E4A4556040.dll Initialize engine version: 2019.4.9f1 (636) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (ID=0x1f99) Vendor: VRAM: 3962 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Subnautica (06/01/2022 19:00:57) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.9.636 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Warning: BepInEx] Shimming C:\Users\Riley\Desktop\DUMP\BepInEx\patchers\BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [MirrorInternalLogs] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.QModPluginGenerator] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.UnityAudioFixer] [Info : BepInEx] 6 patcher plugins loaded [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading preloader patchers from mod [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading 0 preloader patchers from mods... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Attempting to enable Unity audio... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Unity audio enabled. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Newtonsoft.Json] with [QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect] [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Loading QMMAssemblyCache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Could not find QMMAssemblyCache, skipping load. [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Clearing BepInEx cache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Cleared BepInEx cache in 8 ms. [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Saving QMMAssemblyCache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] QMMAssemblyCache saved in 125 ms. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Finding plugins from mods... [Info : BepInEx] 2 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QModManager.LogFilter 4.3.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QMMLoader 4.3.0] [QModManager:INFO] Detected game: Subnautica [QModManager:INFO] Game Version: 68020 Build Date: 01-January-0001 [QModManager:INFO] Loading QModManager v4.3 built for Subnautica v68186... [QModManager:INFO] Today is 06-January-2022_19:11:13 [QModManager:FATAL] A fatal error has occurred. An invalid game version was detected! [QModManager:FATAL] A fatal patching exception has been caught! Patching ended prematurely! [QModManager:ERROR] QModManager.Patching.FatalPatchingException: An invalid game version was detected! at QModManager.Patching.GameDetector..ctor () [0x00188] in :0 at QModManager.Patching.Patcher.Patch () [0x00012] in :0 [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete AddressablesUtility.LoadSceneAsync loading scene: StartScreen in mode Single Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 9) UnloadTime: 4.147600 ms Initializing Windows Store services XGRuntime initialized successfully. Starting AddUser... Adding default user silently... OnQuit behaviour queued for deferred registering, platform services aren't initialized. DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. Unloading 5 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3693. Total: 23.000800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.471100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.216400 ms MarkObjects: 22.290300 ms DeleteObjects: 0.022600 ms) OnQuit behaviour queued for deferred registering, platform services aren't initialized. Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' AddressablesUtility.LoadSceneAsync loading scene: MenuEnvironment in mode Additive Result returned from XUserAddAsync: 0x00000000 Sign in silently complete GetId returned code: 0x00000000 Starting XBLive services... Starting GetAchievements... Getting Unlocked Achievements Setting current user... [QModManager:INFO] Finished loading QModManager. Loaded 0 mods. UserStorageXSave: User not signed in... Save data init failed (NotSignedIn) Curl error 51: Cert verify failed: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_CN_MISMATCH error sending request to sentry: Unknown Error Telemetry session started. Get achievements completed with result: 0x00000000 Extracted achievements with result: 0x00000000 12 achievements retrieved OnAchievementsChanged event is null... AddressablesUtility.LoadSceneAsync loading scene: XMenu in mode Additive Process name: Subnautica changeset 68020, QualityLevel = 0 OK Running Win64 Application version: 68020 SystemInfo: deviceModel = Nitro AN515-55 (Acer) deviceName = LAPTOP-4DMMO3TM deviceType = Desktop deviceUniqueIdentifier = 72fa1eaea179810ba87681a949adb0228fb43c46 graphicsDeviceID = 8089 graphicsDeviceName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 graphicsDeviceType = Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVendor = NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID = 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion = Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize = 3962 graphicsShaderLevel = 50 npotSupport = Full maxTextureSize = 16384 operatingSystem = Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit processorCount = 8 processorFrequency = 2496 processorType = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz supportedRenderTargetCount = 8 supports3DTextures = True supportsAccelerometer = False supportsComputeShaders = True supportsGyroscope = False supportsImageEffects = True supportsInstancing = True supportsLocationService = False supportsRawShadowDepthSampling = True supportsRenderTextures = True supportsRenderToCubemap = True supportsShadows = True supportsSparseTextures = True supportsStencil = 1 supportsVibration = False systemMemorySize = 8023

desperationfighter commented 2 years ago

[QModManager:FATAL] A fatal error has occurred. An invalid game version was detected! yeah that the problem of Step 2 i mentioned before. Something is broken currently between MSStore version and QMod. I don't thing i can help on that. (Feel free to test Stable QMod Version again or a other SN.EXP Version if available) Maybe somebody of the QMod devs can help I guess you need to wait a bit for feedback on that.

desperationfighter commented 2 years ago

hey, short info for you. I just got a internal feedback that you should try the " QModManager_BZ.STABLE" (Below Zero) Version of qmod from the Release page. You normally not supposte to do that. But it seems there is currently a pretty special case with that MSStore Update to be completly out of sync with everything.

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

BZ doesn't work now I get this:

Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000002319BB72040.dll Fallback handler could not load library C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-0000023197378010.dll Initialize engine version: 2019.4.9f1 (636) [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/Riley/Desktop/DUMP/Subnautica_Data/UnitySubsystems GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1 Direct3D: Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (ID=0x1f99) Vendor: VRAM: 3962 MB Driver: Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Subnautica (06/01/2022 20:50:47) [Info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.9.636 [Info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000 [Info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True [Info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows [Message: BepInEx] Preloader started [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader] [Warning: BepInEx] Shimming C:\Users\Riley\Desktop\DUMP\BepInEx\patchers\BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible. [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [MirrorInternalLogs] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.QModPluginGenerator] [Info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.UnityAudioFixer] [Info : BepInEx] 6 patcher plugins loaded [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading preloader patchers from mod [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading 0 preloader patchers from mods... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Attempting to enable Unity audio... [Info :UnityAudioFixer] Unity audio enabled. [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [BepInEx.Chainloader] [Info : BepInEx] Patching [Newtonsoft.Json] with [QModManager.OculusNewtonsoftRedirect] [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Loading QMMAssemblyCache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Could not find QMMAssemblyCache, skipping load. [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Clearing BepInEx cache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Cleared BepInEx cache in 3 ms. [Info :QModPluginGenerator] Saving QMMAssemblyCache... [Info :QModPluginGenerator] QMMAssemblyCache saved in 50 ms. [Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started [Info :MultiFolderLoader] Finding plugins from mods... [Info : BepInEx] 2 plugins to load [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QModManager.LogFilter 4.3.0] [Info : BepInEx] Loading [QMMLoader 4.3.0] [QModManager:INFO] Detected game: Subnautica [QModManager:INFO] Game Version: 68020 Build Date: 01-January-0001 [QModManager:INFO] Loading QModManager v4.3... [QModManager:INFO] Today is 06-January-2022_21:00:59 [QModManager:FATAL] A fatal error has occurred. An invalid game version was detected! [QModManager:FATAL] A fatal patching exception has been caught! Patching ended prematurely! [QModManager:ERROR] QModManager.Patching.FatalPatchingException: An invalid game version was detected! at QModManager.Patching.GameDetector..ctor () [0x00188] in :0 at QModManager.Patching.Patcher.Patch () [0x00012] in :0 [Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.Method: Could not find method for type SpriteManager and name OnLoadedSpriteAtlases and parameters NullReferenceException: Null method for QModManager.QMMLoader at HarmonyLib.PatchProcessor.Patch () [0x0001d] in <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0 at HarmonyLib.Harmony.Patch (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod prefix, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod postfix, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod transpiler, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod finalizer, HarmonyLib.HarmonyMethod ilmanipulator) [0x00031] in <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0 at QModInstaller.BepInEx.Plugins.QMMLoader.PreInitializeQMods () [0x00089] in :0 at QModInstaller.BepInEx.Plugins.QMMLoader.Awake () [0x00046] in :0 UnityEngine.GameObject:Internal_AddComponentWithType(Type) UnityEngine.GameObject:AddComponent(Type) BepInEx.Bootstrap.Chainloader:Start() PreStartScreen:Start() [Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete AddressablesUtility.LoadSceneAsync loading scene: StartScreen in mode Single Unloading 4 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 9) UnloadTime: 3.394000 ms Initializing Windows Store services XGRuntime initialized successfully. Starting AddUser... Adding default user silently... OnQuit behaviour queued for deferred registering, platform services aren't initialized. DontDestroyOnLoad only works for root GameObjects or components on root GameObjects. Unloading 5 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3693. Total: 29.375700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.407100 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.202700 ms MarkObjects: 28.721100 ms DeleteObjects: 0.044400 ms) OnQuit behaviour queued for deferred registering, platform services aren't initialized. Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex' AddressablesUtility.LoadSceneAsync loading scene: MenuEnvironment in mode Additive NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at PlatformUtils.GetCurrentUserId () [0x0000a] in :0 at uGUI_FeedbackCollector.GetPlayerOnlineId () [0x00016] in :0 at uGUI_FeedbackCollector+d__63.MoveNext () [0x00076] in :0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in :0 Result returned from XUserAddAsync: 0x00000000 Sign in silently complete GetId returned code: 0x00000000 Starting XBLive services... Starting GetAchievements... Getting Unlocked Achievements Setting current user... UserStorageXSave: User not signed in... Save data init failed (NotSignedIn) AddressablesUtility.LoadSceneAsync loading scene: XMenu in mode Additive Process name: Subnautica changeset 68020, QualityLevel = 0 OK Running Win64 Application version: 68020 SystemInfo: deviceModel = Nitro AN515-55 (Acer) deviceName = LAPTOP-4DMMO3TM deviceType = Desktop deviceUniqueIdentifier = 72fa1eaea179810ba87681a949adb0228fb43c46 graphicsDeviceID = 8089 graphicsDeviceName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 graphicsDeviceType = Direct3D11 graphicsDeviceVendor = NVIDIA graphicsDeviceVendorID = 4318 graphicsDeviceVersion = Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] graphicsMemorySize = 3962 graphicsShaderLevel = 50 npotSupport = Full maxTextureSize = 16384 operatingSystem = Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit processorCount = 8 processorFrequency = 2496 processorType = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10300H CPU @ 2.50GHz supportedRenderTargetCount = 8 supports3DTextures = True supportsAccelerometer = False supportsComputeShaders = True supportsGyroscope = False supportsImageEffects = True supportsInstancing = True supportsLocationService = False supportsRawShadowDepthSampling = True supportsRenderTextures = True supportsRenderToCubemap = True supportsShadows = True supportsSparseTextures = True supportsStencil = 1 supportsVibration = False systemMemorySize = 8023 Saving game settings OpenOrCreateContainer returned null Curl error 51: Cert verify failed: UNITYTLS_X509VERIFY_FLAG_CN_MISMATCH error sending request to sentry: Unknown Error Telemetry session started. Get achievements completed with result: 0x00000000 Extracted achievements with result: 0x00000000 12 achievements retrieved OnAchievementsChanged event is null...

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

Any Info about MSStore

Metious commented 2 years ago

From the QModManager releases, install QModManager 4.2.1 Experimental branch. But before doing so, make sure to delete your BepInEx folder

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

now i cant create saves tho the modding works

MagicJungle7053 commented 2 years ago

Found the issue for saving but sml brocken :(

Metious commented 2 years ago

Install SMLHelper 2.11.1_SN1.EXP and it should work. Also, you have noticed that it takes us quite a bit to answer on GitHub, so i recommend you asking for help in our Subnautica Modding Discord Server next time.