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Map missing "find me" button #8

Open cfharp opened 7 years ago

cfharp commented 7 years ago

Android 6.0.1 XenonHD (6/19/16) - LG G3 -- not working Android 4.4.1 Resurrection Remix - Samsung S3 -- working

I noticed another minor bug (actually didn't even know I was missing anything until I pulled out an old phone to run this and free up my main phone). The map on my old phone shows the "find me" button in the upper right corner. The map on my new phone doesn't show that button. I don't know much about android development, but I would imagine this could be a number of different reasons (change in android SDK, google maps SDK, difference in ROM implementation, etc). If this is something easy, it'd be nice to have, but don't lose sleep over it. (Although if you're like me, now that you know its there, you'll be determined to fix it anyway ;) )

Again, thanks for your hard work here! I've tried a few of these tools, but stuck with yours because it worked the best for me.

SubstituteR commented 7 years ago

It's due to how newer Android versions treat certain permissions. It is fixable.