Subtitle-Synchronizer / jlibrosa

Librosa equivalent Java library to process audio file adn extract features from it.
MIT License
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librosa.stft equivalent in JLibrosa #12

Open zegnus opened 1 year ago

zegnus commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to port some python code to Java. Specificaly this line:

librosa.stft(audio, n_fft=400, hop_length=160, win_length=400)

But I cannot find an equivalent with JLibrosa. All the STFT functions that I've found have different parameters).

Which method can I use?

Thank you

humaneBicycle commented 1 year ago

did you find a way?

naoraspir commented 7 months ago

Any one with a decent explanation how to use the STFT and ISTFT with jlibrosa?