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Problems with new IMSC 1.1 text template #8043

Closed ryzen88 closed 5 months ago

ryzen88 commented 6 months ago

First of all thanks for implementing a IMSC 1.1 TT template Unfortunately IMF tool, that we use for creating IMF packages gives a wrapping error, probably something regarding the layout that is not correct. I added an example of a IMSC TT that works on all software, and that TT converted with your new beta profile. Couple of things i noticed that could maybe be the issue.

Screenshot (142) Screenshot (143)

niksedk commented 6 months ago

Could you add your working file as an attached .zip file?

The tool you're using, is that: ? How can I test this import/wrapping ?

ryzen88 commented 6 months ago

Certainly, thanks for taking the time. I have put 2 examples of IMSC subtitles, they do differ a bit but these are both layouts that work very well with all other software. Now the resolve version lacks italics but that has more to do that resolve has some strange quirk of not doing italics and has nothing to do with the IMSC, but i thought it was helpful for including it nonetheless.

Yes, the IMF tool, partly build for netflix who was really the driver of the IMF standard, now a lot of the large studio's also switched to IMF. When you have the IMF tool, you first have to open an existing package, or create a new one. quickest way is to just make a new one in a empty folder When you have done that you can add asset, choose wrapped time text essence. In the window that pops open you can browse for the xml or ttml and select it. Then you see the subtitle file on the left, normally you would build the entire package with lots of audio, video, subs and package it with al the metadata, for specific territories and stuff. With the subtitle imported you can go to the Write IMF Package button in the top toolbar and then it Packages, and that's the point that it also errors out, and where the other examples have no problems. I also noticed that the beta IMSC file is also unable to import in davinci resolve who is also a real pain in the ass and it only works if its according to the very narrow specs.

niksedk commented 6 months ago

OK, I've tried to improve the IMSC 1.1 compability here:

It still needs some better positioning support + better frame rate support, but does it work for you now?

ryzen88 commented 6 months ago

Yes, it seems to work like a charm. Awesome. I tried to convert from different sources and seems to work every time.

What also is great when you select the framerate in property's for the document the choices are like 24.0 25.0 result in 24 and 25. Previously if i tried to preserve a IMSC layout when only needing to adjust timing i always had to make sure i just typed in 24 because the dropdown menu would result in 24.0 in the document and would make it invalid. But with the new IMSC it already works perfectly

I do have one more very strange edge case but it's more related for subtitle edit in general, Its when exporting a multi region IMSC from davinci resolve, it makes a strange layout that i'm not really sure if that is according to the rules, but a lot of other software seems to have issues with it. Subtitle Edit also does not properly understand the document structure. But most playback software seems to handle it fine, I have added it in a zip. Its a weird duck because i have not seen any other software do it like this but it's an interesting case nonetheless.

It separates all the lines by region, So you have region 1 all the lines from start to finish, then region two all its lines. But when importing such a document it just reads it as tangled mess of timecodes.

I will continue some more testing to look for edge cases and weird stuff but it feels very solid. And it also looks very clean, i appreciate that in a subtitle doc.

Resolve multi region

ryzen88 commented 5 months ago

Hey, i was testing out the new beta, and seems it works like a charm. Only thing i noticed, and had this with all the previous versions as well. The first time you go into IMSC properties and change the XML to TTML it give an error, and you have to close the software. After that initial error it works without any issue. I had the same thing on 3 different machines all the first time i ran the software. subtitle edit error

niksedk commented 5 months ago

Thx :)

Beta updated: