Suchitra-Sahoo / AgriLearnNetwork

AgriLearnNetwork is a comprehensive platform designed to empower farmers with essential insights and resources for successful agriculture practices. Our platform serves as an indispensable resource, offering a holistic approach enriched with detailed guidance, in-depth knowledge and strategic management approaches across various facets of farming.
MIT License
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Feat: Implement Hover Effect for Footer Links #351

Closed thevijayshankersharma closed 2 weeks ago

thevijayshankersharma commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the feature

This feature involves adding a hover effect to the links present in the footer of our website. The footer currently contains the following links:

Home About Us Blogs Resource Library Contact Us

Add ScreenShots

Once assigned I will share the screenshot of hovering effect.


Siddhi561 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, can you please assign me this issue if it is not solved? This is my first time making an open-source contribution, and I really want to showcase my skills. I am very familiar with languages like Java, HTML, CSS, and JS. Apart from coding, I'm an ux/ui freelancer as well.

Suchitra-Sahoo commented 2 weeks ago

This feature is not required.