SudhanPlayz / Discord-MusicBot

An advanced discord music bot, supports Spotify, Soundcloud, YouTube with Shuffling, Volume Control and Web Dashboard with Slash Commands support!
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Dependency Dashboard #495

Open renovate[bot] opened 2 years ago

renovate[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Ignored or Blocked

These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.

Detected dependencies

docker-compose.yml - `fredboat/lavalink 3.7.12`
Dockerfile - `node 17.9.1-alpine`
dashboard/package.json - `@emotion/react ^11.9.3` - `@emotion/styled ^11.9.3` - `@mui/icons-material ^5.8.4` - `@mui/material ^5.8.4` - `@nextui-org/react 1.0.0-beta.9` - `next 12.2.4` - `react 18.2.0` - `react-dom 18.2.0` - `@types/node 17.0.41` - `@types/react 18.0.16` - `eslint 8.19.0` - `eslint-config-next 12.2.4` - `typescript 4.7.4`
package.json - `@discordjs/builders ^1.4.0` - `@discordjs/rest ^1.5.0` - `axios ^0.27.0` - `better-erela.js-apple ^0.1.0` - `better-erela.js-spotify 1.3.9` - `colors 1.3.3` - `discord-api-types 0.37.1` - `discord-together ^1.3.25` - `discord.js ^13.14.0` - `dotenv ^16.0.1` - `ejs ^3.1.6` - `erela.js ^2.3.3` - `erela.js-deezer ^1.0.7` - `erela.js-facebook ^1.0.4` - `erela.js-filters ^1.2.6` - `express ^4.17.1` - `express-rate-limit ^6.2.0` - `express-session ^1.17.3` - `express-ws ^5.0.2` - `js-yaml ^4.1.0` - `jsoning ^0.13.0` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `moment ^2.29.1` - `moment-duration-format ^2.3.2` - `node-fetch 2.6.7` - `os ^0.1.2` - `passport ^0.6.0` - `passport-discord ^0.1.4` - `pretty-ms ^7.0.1` - `rlyrics ^2.0.1` - `systeminformation ^5.9.12` - `winston ^3.3.3` - `youtube-sr ^4.3.4` - `prettier 2.6.2` - `node >=16.x <=16.16` - `node 16.15.1` - `yarn 3.3.0`

XenonTheInertG commented 2 years ago

Delete this issue instead of closing

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago

lmao ok

AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

lmao ok

Me dumdum

AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

Delete this issue instead of closing

AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

lets marry @renovate-bot

SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

let the war begins

AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

let the war begins


SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

Delete this issue instead of closing

Deleted two times this is the 3rd time its opening xD

XenonTheInertG commented 2 years ago

Stupid bot

testbot-github commented 2 years ago


kotru21 commented 2 years ago

Rise of the machines

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago


SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

the bot didnt opened since 19 hours... Something is wrong with the world

XenonTheInertG commented 2 years ago

Top 10 ten signs of apocalypse

XenonTheInertG commented 2 years ago

Bot will rule us lmao

AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

why are u gae

testbot-github commented 2 years ago


popQA17 commented 2 years ago

Who will win this war 👀

SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

Who will win this war 👀

we will win this war

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago

Uno reverse

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago

@sudhanplaz :)

SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

This has no limit

Digital39999 commented 2 years ago

You have no power ower this 😂

SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

You have no power ower this 😂

What if..... We made another bot to conquer this issue 😎

Digital39999 commented 2 years ago

You have no power ower this 😂

What if..... We made another bot to conquer this issue 😎

Good luck lel

testbot-github commented 2 years ago

You have no power ower this 😂

What if..... We made another bot to conquer this issue 😎

You can make a bot that auto-closes the issue

Digital39999 commented 2 years ago

You have no power ower this 😂

What if..... We made another bot to conquer this issue 😎

You can make a bot that auto-closes the issue

Or remove this renovate bot

SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

You have no power ower this 😂

What if..... We made another bot to conquer this issue 😎

You can make a bot that auto-closes the issue

Or remove this renovate bot

No its a little helpfull other than this issue

Huz-Devv commented 2 years ago

Open source developers vibing. renovate bot: Not for so long (evil laugh).

AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

Open source developers vibing. renovate bot: Not for so long (evil laugh). 🤡

XenonTheInertG commented 2 years ago


kjay23 commented 2 years ago

What is this bot doing keeps spamming lmao

NobiteK commented 2 years ago


AryanTah2005 commented 2 years ago

this issue will still exist even after years, even when this repo dies out, god bless this immortal renovate bot🤝

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago

this issue will still exist even after years, even when this repo dies out, god bless this immortal renovate bot🤝


SudhanPlayz commented 2 years ago

this issue will still exist even after years, even when this repo dies out, god bless this immortal renovate bot🤝

Not after the release of v5

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago

this issue will still exist even after years, even when this repo dies out, god bless this immortal renovate bot🤝

Not after the release of v5


YueMiyuki commented 2 years ago


NONPLAYT commented 2 years ago


sprucecellodev125 commented 2 years ago

Wait, how to close issue?

BioCla commented 2 years ago

Bot messing up the dependencies ;-;

DarrenOfficial commented 2 years ago

Bot messing up the dependencies ;-;

Quite frankly yeah, I would rather use dependabot.

JotaroKujo0525 commented 2 years ago

Legend says this issue will still exist even on the end of mankind

JotaroKujo0525 commented 2 years ago

Ah yes

JotaroKujo0525 commented 2 years ago

this is war

Neko-Life commented 2 years ago


JotaroKujo0525 commented 2 years ago
