SuffolkLITLab / ALKiln

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ALKiln tests failed #916

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An ALKiln test run failed. See the action at


Assembly Line Kiln Automated Testing Report - Thu, 04 Jul 2024 16:48:15 GMT

≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ 🤕 Failed scenarios ≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Without an API key, I silently fail to delete an interview and trigger no warnings Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del2 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Without an API key, I silently fail to delete an interview and trigger no warnings Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del2 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

――――――――――――――― Scenario: I go to non-existent interview and only get that error Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del4 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/nonexistent_interview.yml"

🤕 ALK0116 ERROR: On final attempt to load interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/nonexistent_interview.yml", got "ALKiln could not find any interview question page with the given information"

――――――――――――――― Scenario: I leave an API key undefined and get a warning Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del5 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― 🔎 ALK0199 WARNING: The API key called "NONEXISTENT_API_KEY_VAR_NAME" is missing. Check for a typo in your test, workflow file, GitHub secret, or server config. Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

――――――――――――――― Scenario: I leave an API key undefined and get a warning Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del5 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― 🔎 ALK0199 WARNING: The API key called "NONEXISTENT_API_KEY_VAR_NAME" is missing. Check for a typo in your test, workflow file, GitHub secret, or server config. Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

――――――――――――――― Scenario: My API key is an empty string and I get a warning Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del6 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― 🔎 ALK0201 WARNING: The server rejected the API key called "EMPTY_STRING". Does it exist on this server? Was it deleted somehow? You can always make a new one. Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

――――――――――――――― Scenario: My API key is an empty string and I get a warning Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del6 @signin @sessions ――――――――――――――― 🔎 ALK0201 WARNING: The server rejected the API key called "EMPTY_STRING". Does it exist on this server? Was it deleted somehow? You can always make a new one.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: With an invalid API key, I get a warning and silently fail to delete an interview Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del7 @sessions ――――――――――――――― 🔎 ALK0201 WARNING: The server rejected the API key called "INVALID_API_KEY". Does it exist on this server? Was it deleted somehow? You can always make a new one.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: With an invalid API key, I get a warning and silently fail to delete an interview Tags: @delete @da_api @fast @del7 @sessions ――――――――――――――― 🔎 ALK0201 WARNING: The server rejected the API key called "INVALID_API_KEY". Does it exist on this server? Was it deleted somehow? You can always make a new one. Signed into http://localhost/user/sign-in successfully. Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with no interview at fully arbitrary url Tags: @establishing @fast @failure @e8 @rfe8 @arbitraryurl ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at ""

🤕 ALK0116 ERROR: On final attempt to load interview at "", got "ALKiln could not find any interview question page with the given information"

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with missing secret and succeed with correct ones Tags: @interactive @fast @i2 @secret @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_secret_vars.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_secret_vars.yml" | first_text_entry | SECRET_VAR1 | | | second_text_entry | SECRET_VAR2 | |

🤕 ALK0121 ERROR: ALKiln could not find the GitHub secret "SECRET_NOT_THERE". Check for a typo and check your workflow file. Read more about using GitHub secrets in your workflow file at

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with tab selector missing Tags: @interactive @i4 @tap_elements @tabs @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_taps.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_taps.yml"

🤕 ALK0107 ERROR: Couldn't find the tab with id "#Tests-not_there-tab" on the page, is there a typo?

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fails as it doesn't try to 'continue' with a restart button Tags: @interactive @fast @i6 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_kickout.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_kickout.yml" screen id: show-first-screen screen id: make-choice | user_choice | wrong | | screen id: kickout-screen

🤕 ALK0060 ERROR: The target id was "doesnt exist", but it took too long to try to reach it (over 0.16666666666666666 min). The test got stuck on "kickout-screen".

――――――――――――――― Scenario: I compare different PDFs Tags: @observation @o18 @compare_docs ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_pdf.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_pdf.yml" screen id: proxy-vars | x[i].name.first | Proxyname1 diff | | screen id: signature screen id: proxy-vars | x[i].name.first | Proxyname2 diff | | screen id: signature Downloaded 2_signature.pdf (1555463 bytes) to alkiln-2024-07-04 at 16h48m15sUTC/I compare different PDFs-1720111917277 🔎 ALK0136 WARNING: ALKiln could not find "DOES_NOT_EXIST.pdf" in the folder(s) at "./docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources".

🤕 ALK0156 ERROR: Could not find the existing PDF at DOES_NOT_EXIST.pdf

🤕 ALK0157 ERROR: The PDFs were not the same. The new PDF added:

The new PDF removed:

You can see the full PDFs at ./docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/linear_2_signature-Baseline.pdf and alkiln-2024-07-04 at 16h48m15sUTC/I compare different PDFs-1720111917277/2_signature.pdf

🤕 ALK0093 ERROR: PDF comparison failed 2 time(s) ――― Could not find the existing PDF at DOES_NOT_EXIST.pdf ――― The PDFs were not the same. The new PDF added:

The new PDF removed:

You can see the full PDFs at ./docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/linear_2_signature-Baseline.pdf and alkiln-2024-07-04 at 16h48m15sUTC/I compare different PDFs-1720111917277/2_signature.pdf ―――

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with error page from random input Tags: @random_input @fast @ri4 @random @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_missing_var_error_screen.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_missing_var_error_screen.yml" Testing interview with random input (in alkiln-2024-07-04 at 16h48m15sUTC/Fail with error page from random input-1720111930861/random1720111931182)

🤕 ALK0086 ERROR: The interview seemed to run into an error page after the page with the question id "null". See the picture of the page in "alkiln-2024-07-04 at 16h48m15sUTC/Fail with error page from random input-1720111930861/random1720111931182".

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with wrong page id Tags: @reports @fast @rf3 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0071 ERROR: The question id was supposed to be "wrong question id", but it is actually "upload-files".

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with a missing phrase Tags: @reports @fast @rf4 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0072 ERROR: The text "phrase missing" SHOULD be on this page, but it's NOT.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with incorrectly present phrase Tags: @reports @fast @rf5 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0073 ERROR: The text "e" should NOT be on this page, but it IS here.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with missing element id Tags: @reports @fast @rf6 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0074 ERROR: No element on this page has the ID "wrong element id".

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with unexpectedly able to continue Tags: @reports @fast @rf7 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

🤕 ALK0075 ERROR: The page should have stopped the user from continuing, but the user was able to continue.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with missing error message Tags: @reports @fast @rf8 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0076 ERROR: No error message was found on the page

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with was unexpectedly not able to continue for invalid field input message Tags: @reports @fast @rf10 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files screen id: group-of-complex-fields screen id: direct-standard-fields

🤕 ALK0078 ERROR: User did not arrive at the next page.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with link text not visible Tags: @reports @fast @rf11 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0079 ERROR: Cannot find a link with the text "Missing link".

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with missing link with url Tags: @reports @fast @rf12 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0080 ERROR: Cannot find a link to "".

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with link with given text does not lead to correct url Tags: @reports @slow @rf13 @table @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files screen id: group-of-complex-fields | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | screen id: direct-standard-fields | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "showifs" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | All rows were used

screen id: showifs screen id: object-checkboxes | object_checkboxes_test[\"obj_chkbx_opt_1\"] | true | | | object_dropdown | obj_opt_2 | | screen id: buttons-yesnomaybe | buttons_yesnomaybe | True | | screen id: buttons-other | buttons_other | button_2 | | screen id: button-continue | button_continue | True | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "screen features" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | button_continue | True | | | buttons_other | button_2 | | | buttons_yesnomaybe | True | | | object_checkboxes_test[\"obj_chkbx_opt_1\"] | true | | | object_dropdown | obj_opt_2 | | All rows were used

🤕 ALK0081 ERROR: Cannot find a link with the text "Link to external page" leading to

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with link unexpectedly opens in same window Tags: @reports @slow @rf14 @table @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files screen id: group-of-complex-fields | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | screen id: direct-standard-fields | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "showifs" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | All rows were used

screen id: showifs screen id: object-checkboxes | object_checkboxes_test[\"obj_chkbx_opt_1\"] | true | | | object_dropdown | obj_opt_2 | | screen id: buttons-yesnomaybe | buttons_yesnomaybe | True | | screen id: buttons-other | buttons_other | button_2 | | screen id: button-continue | button_continue | True | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "screen features" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | button_continue | True | | | buttons_other | button_2 | | | buttons_yesnomaybe | True | | | object_checkboxes_test[\"obj_chkbx_opt_1\"] | true | | | object_dropdown | obj_opt_2 | | All rows were used

🤕 ALK0082 ERROR: The link "Link to external page" does NOT open in the same window.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with link unexpectedly opens in a new window Tags: @reports @fast @rf15 @table @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files screen id: group-of-complex-fields | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | screen id: direct-standard-fields | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "showifs" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | All rows were used

screen id: showifs screen id: object-checkboxes | object_checkboxes_test[\"obj_chkbx_opt_1\"] | true | | | object_dropdown | obj_opt_2 | | screen id: buttons-yesnomaybe | buttons_yesnomaybe | True | | screen id: buttons-other | buttons_other | button_2 | | screen id: button-continue | button_continue | True | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "screen features" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | button_continue | True | | | buttons_other | button_2 | | | buttons_yesnomaybe | True | | | object_checkboxes_test[\"obj_chkbx_opt_1\"] | true | | | object_dropdown | obj_opt_2 | | All rows were used

🤕 ALK0082 ERROR: The link "Link: reload the page" does NOT open in a new window.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with value not on page Tags: @reports @fast @rf17 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files

🤕 ALK0141 ERROR: In a linear Step all the values you give MUST be filled in, but ALKiln was unable to find a field on the page "upload-files" for the variable "missing_var_1" that could be set to "missing value 1". See this Scenario's HTML file for details.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with missing term with the given text Tags: @reports @fast @rf18 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0151 ERROR: The term "wrong term" seems to be missing.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with cannot find missing document Tags: @reports @fast @rf19 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0152 ERROR: "missing-doc.pdf" seems to be missing. Cannot find a link to that document.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with wrong interview YAML filename Tags: @reports @fast @rf20 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/wrong_yaml_filename.yml"

🤕 ALK0116 ERROR: On final attempt to load interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/wrong_yaml_filename.yml", got "ALKiln could not find any interview question page with the given information"

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with I can't match JSON page var to str Tags: @reports @fast @rf22 @table @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files screen id: group-of-complex-fields | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | screen id: direct-standard-fields | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | | date_input | today | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | |

Rows that got set: And I get to the question id "showifs" with this data: | var | value | trigger | | checkboxes_other['checkbox_other_opt_1'] | true | | | combobox_input | Custom combobox option | | | date_input | today | | | double_quote_dict[\"double_quote_key\"]['dq_two'] | true | | | dropdown_test | dropdown_opt_2 | | | radio_other | radio_other_opt_3 | | | radio_yesno | False | false | | single_quote_dict['single_quote_key']['sq_two'] | true | | | text_input | Regular text input field value | | | textarea | Multiline text\narea value | | All rows were used

🤕 ALK0083 ERROR: The variable "dropdown_test" was not equal to the expected value on the "direct-standard-fields" screen. Check alkiln-2024-07-04 at 16h48m15sUTC/Fail with I can't match JSON page var to str-1720111990325/json_for-showifs-1720111991972.json to see the page's JSON variables.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with wrong email secret name Tags: @reports @fast @rf22 @signin @failure ―――――――――――――――

🤕 ALK0161 ERROR: The email address GitHub SECRET "WRONG_EMAIL_NAME" doesn't exist. Check for a typo and check your workflow file.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with wrong password secret name Tags: @reports @fast @rf23 @signin @failure ―――――――――――――――

🤕 ALK0162 ERROR: The password GitHub SECRET "WRONG_PASSWORD_NAME" doesn't exist. Check for a typo and check your workflow file.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with 2 wrong signin secret names Tags: @reports @fast @rf24 @signin @failure ―――――――――――――――

🤕 ALK0161 ERROR: The email address GitHub SECRET "WRONG_EMAIL_NAME" doesn't exist. Check for a typo and check your workflow file.

🤕 ALK0162 ERROR: The password GitHub SECRET "WRONG_PASSWORD_NAME" doesn't exist. Check for a typo and check your workflow file.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with could not find files Tags: @reports @fast @rf25 @upload @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" screen id: upload-files 🔎 ALK0136 WARNING: ALKiln could not find "nonexistant1.pdf", "nonexistant2.pdf" in the folder(s) at "./docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources".

🤕 ALK0141 ERROR: In a linear Step all the values you give MUST be filled in, but ALKiln was unable to find a field on the page "upload-files" for the variable "upload_files_visible" that could be set to "nonexistant1.pdf, nonexistant2.pdf". See this Scenario's HTML file for details.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail to find var while keeping value secret Tags: @reports @fast @rf26 @secret @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_secret_vars.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_secret_vars.yml"

🤕 ALK0141 ERROR: In a linear Step all the values you give MUST be filled in, but ALKiln was unable to find a field on the page "null" for the variable "missing_var" that could be set to "SECRET_FOR_MISSING_FIELD". See this Scenario's HTML file for details.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail with missing docx Tags: @reports @fast @rf27 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_missing_docx.yml"

🤕 ALK0116 ERROR: On final attempt to load interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/test_missing_docx.yml", got "There was an error. Please contact the system administrator."

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fail on unexpected status even when report is as expected Tags: @reports @rf28 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/AL_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/AL_tests.yml" 🔎 ALK0158 WARNING: The name "Uli Udo User Sampson NotASuffix" has more than 4 parts, but 4 is the maximum allowed. The test will set the name to "Uli Udo User NotASuffix". screen id: al-type-name-fields | users[0].name.first | Uli | | | users[0].name.middle | Udo | | | users[0].name.last | User | |

🤕 ALK0141 ERROR: In a linear Step all the values you give MUST be filled in, but ALKiln was unable to find a field on the page "al-type-name-fields" for the variable "users[0].name.suffix" that could be set to "NotASuffix". See this Scenario's HTML file for details.

――――――――――――――― Scenario: Fails when table has no header row and rows have only one column Tags: @story_tables_formats @table @fast @stf7 @failure ――――――――――――――― Trying to load the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml" Successfully found the interview at "http://localhost/interview?new_session=1&i=docassemble.ALKilnTests%3Adata/questions/all_tests.yml"

🤕 ALK0120 ERROR: Your Story Table should have more than 1 columns. Take another look at Story Table documentation at


1) Scenario: Without an API key, I silently fail to delete an interview and trigger no warnings (attempt 2) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:28 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL" and the password "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 ✔ And I start the interview at "all_tests" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:185 ✔ And I tap to continue # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:798 ✖ Then I fail to delete 1 detected interview and get no error internal # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1236 AssertionError: User should detect 0 interviews on the server. Instead: "KNkwTAegiqawOM5CKTLIl6bLQECunhuH": expected 1 to equal 0

2) Scenario: I leave an API key undefined and get a warning (attempt 2) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:52 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given the Scenario report should include: # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1161 """ ALK0199 """ ✔ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL", "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD", "NONEXISTENT_API_KEY_VAR_NAME" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 ✔ And I start the interview at "all_tests" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:185 ✔ And I tap to continue # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:798 ✖ Then I fail to delete 1 detected interview and get no error internal # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1236 AssertionError: User should detect 0 interviews on the server. Instead: "1F4MjyZCpVpXpF8DCjIQejd3x4DmUmTn": expected 1 to equal 0

3) Scenario: My API key is an empty string and I get a warning (attempt 2) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:63 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given the Scenario report should include: # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1161 """ ALK0200 """ ✖ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL", "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD", "EMPTY_STRING" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 Error: No element found for selector: #email at assert (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/cjs/puppeteer/util/assert.js:28:15) at IsolatedWorld.type (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/IsolatedWorld.js:215:32) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Object.sign_in (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/scope.js:3021:7) at async World. (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:301:3)

4) Scenario: With an invalid API key, I get a warning and silently fail to delete an interview (attempt 2) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:74 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given the Scenario report should include: # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1161 """ ALK0201 """ ✔ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL", "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD", "INVALID_API_KEY" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 ✔ And I start the interview at "all_tests" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:185 ✔ And I tap to continue # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:798 ✖ Then I fail to delete 1 detected interview and get no error internal # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1236 AssertionError: User should detect 0 interviews on the server. Instead: "vNnN1H7cseEAM7dvLeLotvPWeDKuMZBb": expected 1 to equal 0


1) Scenario: Without an API key, I silently fail to delete an interview and trigger no warnings (attempt 1, retried) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:28 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL" and the password "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 ✔ And I start the interview at "all_tests" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:185 ✔ And I tap to continue # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:798 ✖ Then I fail to delete 1 detected interview and get no error internal # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1236 AssertionError: User should detect 0 interviews on the server. Instead: "HdBcC94RQNsjn4s6qAlPrDmO765B7akF": expected 1 to equal 0

2) Scenario: I leave an API key undefined and get a warning (attempt 1, retried) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:52 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given the Scenario report should include: # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1161 """ ALK0199 """ ✔ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL", "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD", "NONEXISTENT_API_KEY_VAR_NAME" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 ✔ And I start the interview at "all_tests" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:185 ✔ And I tap to continue # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:798 ✖ Then I fail to delete 1 detected interview and get no error internal # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1236 AssertionError: User should detect 0 interviews on the server. Instead: "hR34wClcaiGdBr6nKagN7INlDHdfe1j0": expected 1 to equal 0

3) Scenario: My API key is an empty string and I get a warning (attempt 1, retried) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:63 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given the Scenario report should include: # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1161 """ ALK0200 """ ✔ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL", "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD", "EMPTY_STRING" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 ✔ And I start the interview at "all_tests" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:185 ✔ And I tap to continue # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:798 ✖ Then I fail to delete 1 detected interview and get no error internal # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1236 AssertionError: User should detect 0 interviews on the server. Instead: "2JN4k4lA3Yb08pHR7TYkSbTGMHExrqgc": expected 1 to equal 0

4) Scenario: With an invalid API key, I get a warning and silently fail to delete an interview (attempt 1, retried) # docassemble/ALKilnTests/data/sources/delete_interviews.feature:74 ✔ Before # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:115 ✔ Given the Scenario report should include: # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:1161 """ ALK0201 """ ✖ Given I sign in with the email "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_EMAIL", "USER_NO_PERMISSIONS_PASSWORD", "INVALID_API_KEY" # ../../../../../opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:284 Error: No element found for selector: #email at assert (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/cjs/puppeteer/util/assert.js:28:15) at IsolatedWorld.type (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/node_modules/puppeteer-core/lib/cjs/puppeteer/common/IsolatedWorld.js:215:32) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async Object.sign_in (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/scope.js:3021:7) at async World. (/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.20.3/x64/lib/node_modules/@suffolklitlab/alkiln/lib/steps.js:301:3)

102 scenarios (4 failed, 98 passed) 579 steps (4 failed, 3 skipped, 572 passed) 5m56.125s (executing steps: 5m55.712s)