Closed nonprofittechy closed 1 year ago
Also need to consider whether we add multiple tags, or use the structure of the tag to let someone narrow down the selection. Potentially tricky since some subcategories are in multiple branches.
We should consider using the UI from
Docassemble also now has a native multiselect element which we might be able to simply restyle. That could be more robust and usable than the custom datatype.
Here is one quick Google result for just restyling a multiselect:
I think that instead of focusing on LIST exclusively, we should think about mapping LMSS v2 to LIST, and also considering how to map this to Tyler case codes. We might need to include a Tyler code lookup feature because codes seem to vary from court to court, but on the other hand, maybe we can just focus on mapping the Tyler codes to the complete list of LMSS codes and not worry about Tyler codes directly in the Weaver.
@BryceStevenWilley this will benefit from merging the hierarchical multi-select input (optgroups) we used for Chancery Lane Project. Should try to get that code merged upstream.
optgroups just got merged in, and will probably be released in the next few days. The hierarchical checkbox part is still an external library, but at least that library can run on an unmodified DA core.
Update: adding all categories is > 1000, which slows the server down and is really too many to be useful (given difficulty for authors to type the right keywords for a AJAX lookup).
Going to experiment with the hierarchical multiselect and 2 levels.
The real issue here is the UX + adding another screen that could slow down developers. Will be a bit awkward with current docassemble inputs. Best might be list collect with a combobox