SuffolkLITLab / docassemble-AssemblyLine-documentation

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Rename this repository? #406

Closed samglover closed 2 weeks ago

samglover commented 2 months ago

Since the name of this project is now "the Document Assembly Line" it seems like it might make sense to rename this repository. I suggest "DocAssemblyLine" as a reasonable short form for things like repositories and filenames, which suggests DocAssemblyLine-documentation as a better name for this repository.

(FWIW, this isn't actually a docassemble extension like the other docassemble- repositories, so it probably doesn't need to have that prefix.)

samglover commented 1 month ago

@nonprofittechy or @colarusso What would be the impact of renaming this repo?

I think it's worth doing this now, if possible.

BryceStevenWilley commented 1 month ago

Best resource I found on this is

The more important paragraph for this:

Note: If you’re using a custom domain name (e.g., this should be handled without your intervention. The public URL doesn’t change at all, just the source location of the files. For everything else, however, there’s a workaround available.

So, supposedly, if we switched to first, then changed the repo name, it wouldn't affect anything. And I think that GitHub will handle redirects from a repo to it's custom domain. Not sure what happens when you change the repo name though, it might not redirect anymore. Worth trying on a different repo first to confirm.

If GitHub doesn't redirect to the custom domain after renaming the repo (i.e. redirecting from to, even if the repo is named DocAssemblyLine), you could make the custom domain first and give people a few (3-5 months) to start using the new links, and then change the repo name.

samglover commented 1 month ago

Wow, thanks for that! Changing to a subdomain first, then the repo was my plan, but just based on what seemed most likely to work/least likely to break things.

samglover commented 2 weeks ago

We decided not to rename this repository, since the symmetry with SuffolkLITLab/docassemble-AssemblyLine makes sense. However, the website can now be found at, which is a nicer URL IMO.