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Launch the interview! #14

Open samglover opened 3 months ago

samglover commented 3 months ago

To do

In the GitHub interview repository

On the production server

Also, we need a place to store this GitHub action workflow for creating an annual issue to review the repo for updates (errors, changes to the form or law, etc.):

Interview upkeep workflow

This GitHub action workflow creates an issue every year on August 1st with a brief checklist for maintainers.

File location/name: `.github/workflows/interview-upkeep.yml

name: Annual update interview issue
  workflow_dispatch: # Allows manual triggering
    - cron: "33 3 1 7 *" # At 3:33am every August 1st

    name: Create update-interview issue
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      issues: write
      - name: Create update-interview issue
        run: |
          new_issue_url=$(gh issue create \
            --title "$TITLE" \
            --body "$BODY")
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          GH_REPO: ${{ github.repository }}
          TITLE: Check this interview for updates
          BODY: |
            - [ ] Check for errors by running through the interview several times. Use different inputs each time.
            - [ ] Check for new versions of the PDF or DOCX forms in the `data/templates` folder.
            - [ ] Check for updates to the law(s) on which the interview is based.

            If any of the above reveal a need to update this interview, do the following:
            * Describe the updates necessary in a comment on this issue.
            * Un-assign yourself from this issue
            * Change the project selection for this issue to the Interview Upkeep project.