SujanRaj20 / INF2001-P4-3

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Team's Milestone 1 Retrospective #30

Closed Amabellzq closed 11 months ago

Amabellzq commented 11 months ago

Dear Team, what do you think went well in Milestone ONE?

Amabellzq commented 11 months ago

I think what went well would be that we are able to meet the deadline of the project as it was quite a tough to handle tight schedules.

minvee commented 11 months ago

We managed to write an elaborately detailed report despite being under a lot of time constraints, and everyone worked together to make it happen :D

NekoCoaster commented 11 months ago

Based on what we were given and with the limited number of experiences and source materials, we did pretty good actually.

hexluna commented 11 months ago

We managed to finish the report in time in spite of the Client's requirements being slightly obfuscated.

SujanRaj20 commented 11 months ago

We managed to finish the work within the stipulated duration. Additionally, despite the lack of clear cut guidelines on what is right and wrong, we were able to piece together information available on the lecture slides and online to come up with a comprehensive report

JasonICTSE commented 11 months ago

As a leader, despite a lack of experience, lack of meet up among our team members, we were all able to have fruitful discussions and clarify our doubts through text though it is not as effective as meetup. Everyone was able to push through and finish the report even till the deadline despite the time constraints. I felt that all of us played a part in the report.