SukkaW / hexo-theme-suka

🎨Modern, powerful and simple theme for Hexo.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enable preview doc details in the home page? #109

Open bengxy opened 4 years ago

bengxy commented 4 years ago

Hi, SukkaW.

The default Sukka Theme seems disable the markdown-render in the home page. As code here: post-entry-content.ejs#L7

I'm not sure why, since this feature could enable both image preview & better format.

Actually, I change some code which enables the markdown-render in the home page. And it works fine. Demo here:


And here comes another problem:

post page use id=post-content post.ejs#L28. To reuse #post-content CSS-style code style.css#L654 to the index page. I need to change the id element into class (#post-content to .post-content) because the index page has multiple posts.

Will this action causes any other problems? I have not found problems util now but I'm not sure.

If there is no problem, could I send a pull request? 😊