SukkaW / nolyfill

Speed up your package installation process, reduce your disk usage, and extend the lifespan of your precious SSD.
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pnpm workspace #82

Open o-az opened 4 days ago

o-az commented 4 days ago

How can I use nolyfill in a pnpm workspace? Currently I get the following error:

pnpm dlx nolyfill

[AggregateError: All promises were rejected] {
  [errors]: [
    Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, access '/packages/core/yarn.lock'
        at async Object.access (node:internal/fs/promises:608:10)
        at async Promise.any (index 0)
        at async Object.detectPackageManager
AhmedBaset commented 4 days ago

Do you run it in the root (as level as pnpm-lock.yaml)?

o-az commented 4 days ago

yes but it doesn't apply to workspaces when I run in root