SukkoPera / OpenVideoModulator

Open Hardware RGB to Composite/S-Video Converter
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No GND on C8,C9,C10 #2

Closed ojaksch closed 4 years ago

ojaksch commented 4 years ago

I've ordered a set of five from pcbway for my own projects. As U1 and J2 are still in delivery I already soldered all other parts. While waiting for the U1's and J2's I've checked the pcb's for continuity but I'm missing GND at all elco's/cathode. GND is available at the small holes beside the elco's but not at any cathode of C8,C9 and C10. Is this an issue by you or maybe by pcbway?

SukkoPera commented 4 years ago

Those points are NOT connected to ground. Look at the schematics and you'll understand ;).

ojaksch commented 4 years ago

Ah, yes, I see. I think I was trapped by the doublelayered and doublesided pcb with encrypted gerbers - and haven't realized the presence of the kicad file. All is good. Sorry for making any noise :) Thanks for sharing this project! I'm curious for the video output of my CPC464...