Sulpitz / QuickHeal

QuickHeal for Vanilla WoW 1.12. with integration for HealComm (Luna unit Frames).
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add color name (class) in cast bar #16

Closed shikulja closed 1 year ago

shikulja commented 1 year ago

Colors of target names change everywhere, including in debugging, and notifications on the screen Also added a variable to disable: ColorTargetNames = true

image image image
shikulja commented 1 year ago

I'll leave it here. Coloured names, only for the healing bar

if name then
    local unit = "target" -- Изменили значение переменной unit на "target"
    local _, class = UnitClass(unit) -- Получаем текущий класс игрока
    local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] or {r=1, g=1, b=1} -- Получаем цвет класса или белый цвет, если цвет не найден
    local playerName = UnitName(unit, true) -- Получаем имя игрока
    local coloredName = format("%s%s|r", format("|cff%02x%02x%02x", color.r*255, color.g*255, color.b*255), playerName) -- Создаем цветное имя