Sulpitz / QuickHeal

QuickHeal for Vanilla WoW 1.12. with integration for HealComm (Luna unit Frames).
17 stars 3 forks source link

Could you add some of the features from this version to yours? #19

Closed ghost closed 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Things such as the renew and main tank stuff I would love to see in your rework-healmodes-and-max-HPS branch

1.14.5 Disabled vestigial config UI tab 'Target Filtering' Fixed lua error messages that were being generated from bad OnEnter syntax in QuickHeal.xml:1620:FilterRaidGroup1-8 Revised

1.16 Added functions SmartRenew(), SmartRenewFirehose() and SmartRenewThrottle(). Revised

1.16.1 Removed functions SmartRenew(), SmartRenewFirehose() and SmartRenewThrottle(). These were causing target focus problems. Implemented /qh hot to replace SmartRenewThrottle(). Regular SmartRenew & SmartRenewFirehose comin' soon-ish like.

1.17.0 Modified the verbiage for /qh toggle to QuickHeal mode: Normal HPS and QuickHeal mode: High HPS. The main tanks list is now saved to disk and will persist across sessions. Removed non-partition mode (hm) commands. Druids can now cast HoTs while moving. Big overhaul on usage syntax, e.g.: /qh [mask] [type] [mod] OR /quickheal [mask] [type] [mod]:

[mask]: constrains healing pool to: player = yourself target = your target targettarget = your target's target party = your party mt = main tanks (defined in the configuration panel) nonmt = everyone but the main tanks subgroup = raid subgroups (defined in the configuration panel)

[type]: constrains healing spell to: heal: Forces the use of your class' channeled heal spells. hot: Forces the use of your class' HoT spell over a channeled spell. Only works for Priests & Druids. chainheal: Forces the use of the Chain Heal spell. Only works for Shamans.

[mod]: optional argument. Modifies the application of HoTs: max= will apply a HoT to the next target that is not @100% hp and that does not currently have a HoT applied. fh = firehose mode. Will apply maximum rank HoT on the next target that does not have a HoT applied.

1.17.1 Implemented TWA button inside Main Tanks UI that queries TWAssignments' roster and automatically fills Main Tank UI with up-to-date tank assignments. Does not require TWAssignments to be installed on the local client. Requires membership to a raid in which at least one other raidmember/leader is using TWAssignments.

1.17.2 Fixed shaman class.

1.17.3 Removed /qh healpct. Channeled heals now proactively rely entirely on HealComm to determine if another player is healing your considered target(s) during the selection process. Each healing class now has its own syntax command tree. Added [chainheal] healing type selection for Shaman class.

1.17.4 Re-partitioned class modules (i.e. QuickHealDruid.lua, QuickHealPriest.lua, QuickHealPaladin.lua, QuickHealShaman.lua) to allow for class-specific spell/item cast sequences.

1.17.5 Added 4 new keybindings:

"HoT" [/qh hot] "HoT Firehose (Naxx Gargoyles)" [/qh hot fh] "HoT Subgroup" [/qh subgroup hot] "HoT MT" [/qh mt hot] 1.17.6 Druid healing improvements & Shaman chainheal fix.

Druid: Modified downrank sliders that control Healing Touch and Regowth maximum ranks Druid: Split QuickHeal_Druid_FindHealSpellToUse into two separate function blocks: one for <L60 healing and one for =L60 Druid: Removed "Cfg->General->Healthy Threshold Slider/RatioHealthy" slider and explanation text; Druid: Eliminated all in-combat HT ranks above HT4 if =L60. Druid: When in Normal HPS mode, HT4 will be cast over HT3 if Nature's Grace procs. Shaman: Fixed intermittent ChainHeal SpellID error

shikulja commented 1 year ago

Support for this fork by the author has ended.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@shikulja it can be reuploaded

Zebouski commented 1 year ago

@shikulja They are still working on their fork, they just don't wanna publish it themselves anymore. I have it published under this mirror on my account and I will be updating it from the author.

shikulja commented 1 year ago

@Gurky-Turtle @Zebouski codefracas is an experienced developer, it will be easier for him to merge branches, as he knows his own changes better. His branch is interesting to me and I will observe if there is an opportunity of course.

Pull requests are open here if anyone wants to work on it.

I managed to transfer the interface from the fork, but there is no more interest in doing it.

I also transferred the localization and libraries for his branch, but I could not check and fix it for the pull request, since his version does not work for me

Sulpitz commented 1 year ago

Hi, as you guys see, I'm not active in the Vanilla addon scene any more. I'm happy tho, that my improvements on QuickHeal live on and are improved themselves. If you want to appoint more contributors @shikulja we can do that.

shikulja commented 7 months ago