Expected behaviour:- According to country code by default specific country should be already selected from country picker when modal gets opened, workking fine on ios not for android.
This function is only working for ios not for android
this is full code
const launchSNSMobileSDK = (userId: string, cameFrom: string, countryCode: string) => {
let snsMobileSDK = SNSMobileSDK.init(sumSubDummyToken, () => {
// this is a token expiration handler, will be called if the provided token is invalid or got expired
return common.axiosGenericInstance
.get(`${BASEURL.MAIN_API_URL}${endPoints.sumsubAccessToken}`, {
params: {userId: userId},
.then(resp => {
//return a fresh token from here
return resp?.data?.data?.token;
// Optional callbacks you can use to get notified of the corresponding events
onStatusChanged: event => {},
onLog: event => {},
.withLocale('en') // Optional, for cases when you need to override the system locale
Expected behaviour:- According to country code by default specific country should be already selected from country picker when modal gets opened, workking fine on ios not for android.
This function is only working for ios not for android
.withPreferredDocumentDefinitions({ "IDENTITY": { "country":countryCode }
this is full code const launchSNSMobileSDK = (userId: string, cameFrom: string, countryCode: string) => { let snsMobileSDK = SNSMobileSDK.init(sumSubDummyToken, () => { // this is a token expiration handler, will be called if the provided token is invalid or got expired
}) .withPreferredDocumentDefinitions({ "IDENTITY": { "country":countryCode }
}) .withHandlers({ // Optional callbacks you can use to get notified of the corresponding events onStatusChanged: event => {}, onLog: event => {}, }) .withDebug(true) .withLocale('en') // Optional, for cases when you need to override the system locale .build();
snsMobileSDK .launch() .then(result => { const cb = () => { switchLoader(store.dispatch, false); navigate(screenNames.HOME_SCREEN) }; switchLoader(store.dispatch, true); store.dispatch(getUserStatistics()); store.dispatch(getProfileData(cb, cb)); }) .catch(err => { console.log('sum sub error', err); }); };