Sumeshi2 / World-Renderer

This plugin allows you to render objects to the sky and world
MIT License
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Feature Request plz read #2

Open Manyaarvadiya opened 2 months ago

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Your plugin is really really nice. I am about to complete my space mod. It's a really big mod and a bangger.

Idk if I am dumb but can you please implement a method to always render the models on screen. So like even when I get thousands of blocks away from the models they still stay instead of disappearing after a distance.

Plz help me. I just wana make it so the whole solar system can be displayed at once but even at a greater distance you can look at all planets

Sumeshi2 commented 2 months ago

Could you tell me your Forge version?

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

It's the latest one 1.20.1

Plz tell me you understood what I want..

I wana render your rendered objects even if render distance is set to very low

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Also wana mention. I removed all the fog as fog was interrupting the render at long distances. But still it wouldn't render at long distances

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

this is the difference and thats what i dont want 2024-05-06_15 08 19 2024-05-06_15 08 24

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

i want it so no matter the render distance . the render always stays on screen i hope you will change it

Sumeshi2 commented 2 months ago

It's not possible to render objects beyond the render distance.

Sumeshi2 commented 2 months ago

Objects at long distance should be rendered like the sun and the moon.

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

But I wana like render it on screen. So like not in world.

It has been done before

![Uploading Screenshot_20240506-202341.jpg…]()

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Ik you will be able to make it. Pretty please make it. It's the only thing that's in the way of finishing my space mod

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Ik I am asking too much. But you are the only person I found who was good enough to even make a renderer like this.

So like I just wana rendered them so they are always on screen. Not necessarily in the world

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Ik I am asking too much but can you plz also add a method or procedure to know if the entity is inside a render

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Please again and thx for making such an amazing mod. It's where I got the idea of even to begin the mod . But as I said there are two problems

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Bro you adding so many different things can you please 🥺 add what I mentioned above in 4 comments

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Also check the screen shot I sent

Sumeshi2 commented 2 months ago

I tried looking for classes and methods to do it, but I couldn't find them. It is difficult.

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Ok I'll try to explain. Better. It's ok if you can't do it I just really wanted it and found you as the only smart man.

Two things..

1.Render models on screen . And do maths for position. It's aldready done before. Screenshot_20240506-202341

2 Check is player is inside of a rendered model

I'll be super happy if you can do it plz. Atleast one of them.ik you are the only one who can do it

Sumeshi2 commented 2 months ago

It is possible to keep a object position with global variables, and check if a player is inside an object.

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

But the planet renders in my mod are tilted. You get it. And what about the 1st thing I mentioned

Sumeshi2 commented 2 months ago

Sry, I don't know the screenshot. please tell me more.

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

I should be sry for not telling you more info. It was my idea on how it was suppose to work but it got taken into create aeraunautics and since they haven't released it no examples are there.

How it works is. You ender the models separate from the world that means a new world overlaps the origional one. The new world is never loaded but the models are rendered there. That's means a model placed at 0 9 0 will be rendered in the new world and will be over lapped in the origional world. So it world pretty much result in models at certain coordinates without them being rendered in the original world

Other method You render the models on client screen and then change their size based upon the coordinates you decide on world . That means if a models coordinated are 500 blocks far away from player. The model would render on players screen with a small size but if player gets near the coordinates in world like say 20 blocks away the size displayed would get bigger. Basically 3d on 2d Minecraft screen

2 option is much easier as it only requires little math. But ig both are easy for someone like you

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Just try something. Ik you'll do it

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

![Uploading Screenshot_20240507-222747.jpg…]()

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Method 2 as I explained

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Plz try something.

Manyaarvadiya commented 2 months ago

Dude you are literally a true chad. Seeing the changelog I can see where this is going I am sure you will do it and finally my mod will be finished. It will be a grand mod. I'll even mention you in the title screen

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

So what are you basically adding

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

Are you gonna add what I asked for 😀??

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago


Yes it works butt not the way I wanted. It is displayed on screen. But like i want it so it changed size based on my world coordinates. Plz integrate that and integrate model support in local coordinates.i also have one question.

Are the shapes rendered in local coordinates visible to others.

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

But I basically I don't wana drag the model with me. I wana be able to freely roam around it. So like


You are actually able to visit the sun in the pic.

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

Bro why you not reply here

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

I still can't understand your screenshot completely. Could you send me more screenshots?

Rendering objects in the outside of a render distance: It is difficult to do it with models, but it is possible with shapes. On an event trigger "Render shapes", render scaled shapes in the sky so they all fit on the distance.

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

Here is an example for rendering a cube at (10000, 10000, 10000). cube

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

You realise you are a god? .why don't you add it as a template.can you also tell what I need to change if I wana change the coordinates of the render .You are so so smart.

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

But .I got one question. Are the rendered shapes visible to other players

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

Also can you make this work for models. As I kinda was doing this thing with rendering a block model 😁

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

It is difficult to do with block, item and entity models.

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

If the positions of objects are synchronized on the client and server side, it will be visible to all players.

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

I don't know what is considered synchronised and what's not. Also add this for rendering modles and templates. Btw you are literally a god for coding this lol

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

In order to synchronize the positions, save them to global variables. The variables should not be set or changed on the client side. The variables are not synchronized from the client side to the server side.

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

In order to change the position, set the variables "Cube X/Y/Z".

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

K .rest all will happen automatically?. Also you are adding model support right?

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

I'm trying it, but still don't know whether it is possible.

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

K but plz try it would make it so much easier . Ive 19 solar systems/centauries

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

Did you do it for models? 😀

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

You added so many things above my head . Just explain me later how to achieve what I want

tooopt commented 1 month ago

I think what he is trying to achieve is to render an object on the skybox, so it would always be visible. Like moon or the sun, but more of the third object that doesn't move. I assume this is supposed to be a planet in the distance. If it is, then it should be rendered on the skybox.

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

Don't worryvman. Sumeshi knows what I want. He already implemented it. Just for shapes while previously I was using render blocks to achieve it. But I am fine with it. It just needs to work

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

1.5.4 amazing. Just tell me how to render a cube how I want with a texture :)

Manyaarvadiya commented 1 month ago

Plz look here ...

Sumeshi2 commented 1 month ago

See a procedure template "Graphics - Shape - Render a head"