SummerFields / Site-Web

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Presentation text for China (?) #23

Open lipki opened 6 years ago

lipki commented 6 years ago

Translate this, and make suggestions for change :

SummerFields was one of the first very successful Resource Packs at the beginning of the story, even though we were still talking about Texture Packs. Abandoned by its author, Lithiumsound, the users took over the torch, and since they keep the pack up to date.

SummerFields really brings a warm atmosphere to the game and will make your Minecraft landscape sublime, with or without shader, which is the strength of the pack for a resolution of 32 * 32. All textures are composed of very warm and pronounced colors, which helps to make SummerFields one of the most visually joyful and bucolic packs, it totally changes the atmosphere of Minecraft by plunging us into a quiet, peaceful world (with zombies ). All the blocks have been reviewed, offering us different versions of mobs, and very beautifuls armors.

The former author says he created this pack inspired by the game Fable, but also resources pack such as Jolicraft or GoodMorningCraft.

maple2958 commented 6 years ago

I made a Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese version!(^▽^)

Traditional: SummerFields曾是非常成功的資源包(那時還稱作材質包)的先驅們其中之一。被它的原作者Lithiumsound終止更新後,使用者們接下了作者的工作,並持續更新一直到現在。 SummerFields給人一種溫暖的氣氛;而且在32*32畫質的幫助下,不管有沒有光影模組,都在MC的地貌上增添一分的宏偉。每個材質都是由溫暖且樸實的顏色所組成,讓SummerFields成為一個令人愉悅的鄉村風資源包,並且給玩家一個安靜、和平(但是有殭屍)的世界。每一個方塊都被層層檢閱,以提供玩家不同樣式的生物及美麗的裝備。 原作者說這個資源包是在一個叫做Fable的遊戲以及其他資源包(例如:Jolicraft、GoodMorningCraft等)取得靈感,並製作而成。

Simplified: SummerFields曾是非常成功的资源包(那时还称作材质包)的先驱们其中之一。被它的原作者Lithiumsound终止更新后,使用者们接下了作者的工作,并持续更新一直到现在。 SummerFields给人一种温暖的气氛;而且在32*32画质的帮助下,不管有没有光影模组,都在MC的地貌上增添一分的宏伟。每个材质都是由温暖且朴实的颜色所组成,让SummerFields成为一个令人愉悦的乡村风资源包,并且给玩家一个安静、和平(但是有僵尸)的世界。每一个方块都被层层检阅,以提供玩家不同样式的生物及美丽的装备。 原作者说这个资源包是在一个叫做Fable的游戏以及其他资源包(例如:Jolicraft、GoodMorningCraft等)取得灵感,并制作而成。

lipki commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much: D I would like to know, for this kind of communication, what is it better, the traditional version, or simplified?

maple2958 commented 6 years ago

Simplified Chinese is used in China, Malaysia, and Singapore; Traditional Chinese is used in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Makau. There are no difference in grammer, only the character is different.

lipki commented 6 years ago

ok, it's really nice to have done both.