SumoLogic / sumologic-collector-docker

A Sumo Logic collector for Docker.
Apache License 2.0
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Is there a way to overwrite file? #74

Closed mhobotpplnet closed 5 years ago

mhobotpplnet commented 5 years ago

I understand that there is a manual way to manipulate the file with instructions on however that is not really optimal when you try automate the docker container for sumologic.

How does it get written overall? I could not find anywhere anything regards to it.

Here is the file contents..

receiver.url =
windows.remote.jni = true
cpuTarget = -1
json.sync.mode = Json
logIngestStatus = Normal
collector.debug.forceRestart = -1
bin3377 commented 5 years ago

You can probably using a customized docker image to modify the if you want. Here is a sample (from root of repo):

$ cat ./my-Dockerfile
FROM sumologic/collector:latest-no-source
COPY sumo-sources.json /etc/sumo-sources.json
RUN echo docker.maxPerContainerConnections = 100 >> /opt/SumoCollector/config/ && \
    echo docker.apiVersion = 1.24 >> /opt/SumoCollector/config/

$ docker build . -f ./my-Dockerfile -t me/sumo-docker

Sending build context to Docker daemon   68.1kB
Step 1/3 : FROM sumologic/collector:latest-no-source


Successfully built a9d5e0f0153b
Successfully tagged me/sumo-docker:latest

$ docker run -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name="my-collector" me/sumo-docker <accID> <accKey>
mhobotpplnet commented 5 years ago

I just ended up creating my own ..

FROM sumologic/collector:latest
MAINTAINER Sumo Logic <>

COPY /conf/ /opt/SumoCollector/config/
