Sunagatov / Iced-Latte

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System allows to save review with non-Latin text #313

Open TetianaPerinha opened 3 weeks ago

TetianaPerinha commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug The system allows it to save when sending a POST review request with non-Latin text.

Precondition: User is registered, the Bearer token is obtained, and the user has not posted a review on a product.

To Reproduce Send the POST request as below, and use a valid Bearer token.

curl --location '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: {token}' \ --data '{ "text":"Купил эспрессо онлайн, и был в восторге от качества. Аромат свежесмолотых зерен наполнил кухню, а вкус готового напитка был богатым и сбалансированным, с нотками шоколада и фруктов. Отличный сервис и быстрая доставка — обязательно закажу снова", "rating": "5"

}' Expected behavior The system should reject a request with 400 HTTP Status code and return the appropriate error message.

Actual result The system accept the request, HTTP Status code = 200, and review posted non-Latin text.

text review non latin