As an issuer, I should be able able to view fields (mandatory and optional), so that I can choose and add field tags that would appear on certificate
As an issuer on click of 'advanced editor', I should be able to add/edit required fields, so that I can get the data required to create verified credentials
User should be able to choose if the data is mandatory or optional
User should able to choose the field type - (text field, number, date, text area, check box, radio)
User should be able to add following information of the data: Label/Title (mandatory), Placeholder, Description. Validation (optional or mandatory)
As an issuer, I should be able able to view fields (mandatory and optional), so that I can choose and add field tags that would appear on certificate
As an issuer on click of 'advanced editor', I should be able to add/edit required fields, so that I can get the data required to create verified credentials