Sunconure11 / HistoricizedMedicine

A 1.12 minecraft forge mod adding historically inspired medical-related items.
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Implement some new features later on #3

Closed Sunconure11 closed 6 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Once some nasty bugs have been ironed out, add a few new features, while the dev works on getting his motivation back.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

New herbs for usage in medicine:

St. John's Wort Echinacea Toothache Plant Goldenseal Feverfew Jiaogulan Bitter Melon Jesuits Bark

Seeds/equivalent would be obtained via trade

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

New medicines:

Penicillin: Stops most forms of infections Soap: Adds an effect that prevents the lingering effects of plague + other infections for a period of time. Only works if you are in a body of water. Can be scented to apply a small potion effect, as well. Plague Vaccine: Renders a player immune to the effects of the plague, but does not stop any current infections. Lyme Disease Vaccine: Renders a player immune to the effects of lyme disease, but does not stop any current infections. Super Bug Vaccine: Assuming you don't die before this, this vaccine renders a player immune to the effects of the super bug, but does not stop any current infections. Malaria Vaccine: Renders you immune to malaria, but does not stop any ongoing infections.

New infections (wonderful):

Some kind of worm-based infection? Tapeworms? Hookworms? Lyme Disease Super Bug: Rare, rare spawn, worse than the plague, harder to combat, immune to vaccines and penicillin. Ticks: Random chance from grass, though it can be dealt with. However, leaving it untreated may cause random damage, and lead to possibly lyme disease. Malaria

New Mobs:

Giant Ticks: Spawn in most biomes, rather slow, spread lyme disease upon attacking. They will be slow, but incredibly stealthy, and would be invisible until within a few blocks of a player or other meal.

Guinea Fowl: Spawn in savannahs, keeps ticks and spiders at bay. Behavior-wise, think neutral, swarming chickens.

Mosquitoes: Spawns in swamps, jungles, savannas, and a variety of other tropical biomes, they can spread malaria to the player.

Config options:

Options to turn off various diseases Options to turn mobs on and off Other stuff here

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Major bugs have been ironed out, start working on new content in September.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Rare bug located, deal with that and possibly others before toying around with new content.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Next update content:

Leech culture Fleam, use on yourself to extract blood into a jar. Has a chance of giving infection. Players and mobs stabbed with it will get the bleeding debuff, plus a possibility of infection. Jar, for storing your annelid friends Bring back as many incomplete features as possible