Sunconure11 / dungeon-mobs

Dungeon Mobs
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Allow rust monster configs to pick up on oredictionary definitions #15

Open Sunconure11 opened 6 years ago

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Since many things have oredictionary definitions, this could prove useful when dealing with say, multiple mods that add various forms of copper.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

I may look into it some time, but it could get a bit complicated depending on how its done. Iterating registered items in post-init (similar to how Doomlike Dungeons exports block and item lists) would probably be the basis. Then it would need to check each item against a list of ore dictionary entries (not sure how to do this off the top of my head). Could be a bit slow (O{m,n) = m*n), but might not be to bad during start-up.

I'll be slowing down on these things -- its become self-destructive the amount of time that goes into these modding binges and letting too many other things go.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Hm, for the metal configs, does it pick up on just ore, or does it allow for ingots and what not too? I'm making sure I'm doing this right, as I am allowing all metals in my pack to be attacked. You might want to check if metadata is taken though.

Also, it appears Rust Monsters were meant to spawn near their respective veins of metal. Would it be possible to add a config to list ores for them to spawn by?

Also, just making sure, but this is correct syntax for the metal list, yes?

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

Any block or item should work. I'd have to look at it again, but one short coming I hadn't thought of before is that I don't think it understands meta data at this point. That may very well be something that needs fixing. But beyond that it can be anything in the game that can exist as an Item.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Can we add a config setting to allow it to spawn near a list of modded ores, in addition to the ones from vanilla? Since one behavior of it is to spawn by such.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

That should be possible, probably not too hard -- though I'd probably make understanding damage / data / meta values a priority (which definitely shouldn't be hard -- I've done that before with the loot lists for Doomlike Dungeons). But yeah, that can be done. It could probably extract blocks from the food list, but otherwise a separate list could be done.

That leads to why it has its own config folder -- at a certain points it might make sense to give config files to individual mobs as more options are made available.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

Oh, I do wonder why you have "basemetals:obsidian_ingot" -- obsidian isn't a metal, and it doesn't make any more sense they'd want that than diamond (which they currently do not eat).

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

I was tired, and was trying to cover as many modded ingots as possible

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Okay, it looks like configs are not working in general for the rust monster. No matter what modded stuff I throw at them, if it is in the config, they do not pick up on it.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

OK, I'll have to look into sometime over the weekend I guess.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

Well, I fixed the bug where they don't use the food list at all -- I had them eating bricks and leaves for a test and it worked fine.

I'll look into the other fixes and enhancements later.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

No, it definitely won't work with damage / meta values -- its a set of Item, not ItemStack. Items don't have that data, stacks do. It would really complicate things to have it use ItemStacks, though I can see how this could be a problem with mods that use "god items."

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

There are mods that assign meta values as to conserve on IDs. An example would be thaumcraft, all of it's ingots are technically one item, just with differing meta.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Also, just in case, but since you are using a similar set up for entities to spawn from the shrieker, you might want to test that too.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

I already tested the shrieker -- it works, that always did.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

Rust monster foods should now work as soon as the latest up-load is approved and becomes available. Not sure if this should be closed -- its not ore dictionary support.

Note, the syntax is "modid:name" to include all block / item versions, or "modid:name:meta" to include a specific meta value. It has to be this way to support item with actual durability. So...


...doesn't really make much since in that scheme. It should probably be...


...if I'm interpreting the intention correctly.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

Config system may have broken, resulting in crashes. Investigating.

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

I used the wrong method to translate the string data into a number for meta data. Its now fixed in the repo. You may test and uploaded when ready.

(Frankly, I'm getting tire of this and ready for a total break.)

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

Never mind I'll upload the fix. Then, I don't know. I'll leave it to you to close the issue when you're satisfied.

Sunconure11 commented 6 years ago

I'm at a loss for words, it's still happening.

Here is my config:

BlackJar72 commented 6 years ago

The exact same crash?! That doesn't make sense. If anything is mistyped or not found -- any errors in the list -- and it will definitely crash. But I can't see any way the old crash could still happen with the latest version (which was tested here and works).

Anyway, not time to fool with it now.