SunnySuite / Sunny.jl

Spin dynamics and generalization to SU(N) coherent states
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Add `classical_spin_temperature` function #238

Open Lazersmoke opened 5 months ago

Lazersmoke commented 5 months ago


We should steal the equation for "spin temperature" used in that paper (and derived in [26]). Here's a reference implementation:

function classical_spin_temperature(sys)
  dHdS = -Sunny.energy_grad_dipoles(sys)
  numer = sum([norm(cross(sys.dipoles[i],dHdS[i]))^2 for i = eachindex(sys.dipoles)])
  denom = 2 * sum([dot(sys.dipoles[i],dHdS[i]) for i = eachindex(sys.dipoles)])
  numer / denom

Using this, I annealed a system (with exponentially decreasing temperature schedule) and got the attached plot of "spin temperature" (y axis) vs Langevin temperature (x axis) [both log scale]. As you can see, the spin temperature formula accurately tracks the annealing temperature [26]

image (6)

These two annealing runs were done insufficiently slowly, and you can see that the spin temperature doesn't track the thermostat temperature, reflecting this!

image (7) image (8)

So this is a useful tool for people to check their annealing and also would be good for an example in the docs

kbarros commented 5 months ago

This is a nice idea. What should the behavior be for SU(N) mode?