SunnySuite / Sunny.jl

Spin dynamics and generalization to SU(N) coherent states
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Thermostat for implicit midpoint #239

Closed ddahlbom closed 5 months ago

ddahlbom commented 5 months ago

This PR adds a thermostat to the implicit midpoint integrator. The interface changes are minimal: ImplicitMidpoint now optionally takes kT and λ. By default both these keywords are set to zero.

All the finite temperature sampling tests (against analytical solutions for anisotropies, spin chains, etc.) now also exercise the implicit midpoint integrator.

We may in the future wish to redo some naming. (Having Langevin specify a Heun integrator makes less sense now.) But these changes should not break anyone's code and they will hopefully be useful to @Lazersmoke's efforts.

ddahlbom commented 5 months ago

Will update docstrings soon.

Lazersmoke commented 5 months ago

Thanks David!! This will be really helpful :)

kbarros commented 5 months ago

Looks very nice to me. The only question I have is about whether this slows down some workflows -- ImplicitMidpoint timesteps will be the bottleneck for many calculations. If so, there is an optimization idea in comment above.

ddahlbom commented 5 months ago

Yes, I was concerned about that too. I'll make the change you suggested and do some simple benchmarking. I guess if it is noticeably slower, we can go back to dispatching on the type level (so instead of relying on branch prediction we just do one function lookup). Maybe have an ImplicitMidpointLangevin integrator and revert back to the prior meaning for ImplicitMidpoint.

ddahlbom commented 5 months ago

I took a simple system (S=1, one exchange, onsite anisotropy), thermalized it, and benched two versions of the step function: (1) The original code; and (3) the new code with suggested optimizations and λ and kT set to zero.

For dipole:

Reference           -- 46.667 μs
New Code            -- 48.666 μs

For SU(N)

Reference           -- 93.667 μs
New Code            -- 107.292 μs

We see a slight slowdown in dipole mode and a serious slowdown in SU(N) mode. Perhaps this makes it worthwhile to keep around the old ImplicitMidpoint (with no thermostat) and add an ImplicitMidpointLangevin.

Sound reasonable?

ddahlbom commented 5 months ago

It turns out the main reason for the performance regression was the fact that the new approach added a call to proj in all cases, even when lambda and kT were zero.

The current approach includes a few more branching conditions. The big branching condition is based on whether lambda is nonzero.

These conditionals are kind of ugly, but the result is: no new type, and no performance regression.

kbarros commented 5 months ago

I added some commits that fully unify the dipole and SU(N) integration schemes (both Heun and implicit midpoint). This implementation also avoids code redundancy.

Because the convergence check is slightly modified, it was necessary to recompute the reference data for "Sampled correlations reference".

According to the benchmark below, performance is preserved for implicit midpoint without Langevin thermostat.

using Sunny, BenchmarkTools

latvecs = lattice_vectors(1, 10, 10, 90, 90, 90)
cryst = Crystal(latvecs, [[0,0,0]])

# Modify for :dipole or :SUN
sys = System(cryst, (1000, 1, 1), [SpinInfo(1, g=2, S=1)], :SUN)
set_exchange!(sys, -1, Bond(1, 1, (1, 0, 0)))

integrator = ImplicitMidpoint(0.02; atol=1e-5)
# suggest_timestep(sys, integrator; tol=1e-3)

function f(sys, integrator)
    for _ in 1:100
        step!(sys, integrator)

integrator.λ = 0
integrator.kT = 0
@btime f(sys, integrator)
# :SUN with S=1
# (new) 14.4 ms <- 14.58 ms (old)
# :dipole
# (new) 6.27 ms <- 6.30 ms (old)

integrator.λ = 0.0001
integrator.kT = 0
@btime f(sys, integrator)
# :SUN with S=1 :: 16.95 ms
# :dipole       :: 6.825 ms

integrator.λ = 0.0001
integrator.kT = 0.0001
@btime f(sys, integrator)
# :SUN with S=1 :: 18.7 ms
# :dipole       :: 7.62 ms
kbarros commented 5 months ago

Thanks a lot for the nice suggestions @ddahlbom. Please let me know if everything is addressed with the recent commits.

ddahlbom commented 5 months ago

Looks great to me.