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Stat Diminishing Returns. #1836

Open Anachrony opened 5 years ago

Anachrony commented 5 years ago

Decription: Diminishing returns on Dodge and Parry are missing.

How it works: Combined parry and dodge chance from different sources, marked as 'before DR' in game, is the same as the one displayed on character stat page marked as 'after DR'. 18 dodge/parry rating will always provide ~0.4% chance for my character (tested in range between 6.04% and 28.15% dodge/parry chance)

Additional info: When using addons to calculate total avoidance, level penalty for avoidance stats is incorrect. For each level above player, avoidance stat should be reduced by 0.2%; example: lvl 80 with displayed 25% dodge chance, fighting a boss level (+3) should have 24.4% dodge chance, but addon calculates it as 25.4%


ghost commented 4 years ago

Bump. Is this still an issue?

I've found this source: Patch 3.3, so it's as reliable as it gets.

Real Dodge % = Base Dodge % + 1/(0.011347 + (.9560/(Character Sheet Dodge % - Base Dodge%))) Real Parry % = Base Parry % + 1/(0.021275 + (.9560/(Character Sheet Parry % - Base Parry %)))

These are the formulas for calculating your Dodge and Parry after Diminishing Returns (not what you see on your Character Sheet).

Here is a variant of a macro script to display Dodge and Parry specifically from increasing the two directly (as in, not through Defense):

/run local d,p=GetDodgeChance(),GetParryChance() print(format("Dodge + Parry Chance breakdown: %.2f%% Dodge + %.2f%% Parry = %.2f%% Total.",d,p,d+p))

Using the formulas to calculate after-DR percentages, if whatever scripts you're using to tell you them in-game report these as different, that means this is indeed bugged -- i.e. if the printed results in-game are the same as what you see on your Character Sheet (which says "(Before diminishing returns)" alongside it), meaning DR for them is missing.

Can anyone confirm if this is true? If it is, it's big for anyone stacking massive amounts of Avoidance Stats -- Tanks and Avoidance-heavy Classes by default like Rogues.

Further info and talk on formulas and macro script variants, for determining Avoidance post-DR from various sources, can be found in the source link, at the start of the comment (it has a script with Dodge + Parry + Block + Defense combined there, for further diagnosis -- Block can be omitted as it has no DR).