SunwellTracker / issues

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Loot issues #2514

Open Huntender opened 4 years ago

Huntender commented 4 years ago

Decription: I've noticed two minor issues regarding loot, I'm pretty sure they are not intended but apologies if they actually are.

How it works: 1) Quest items do not seem to follow group loot rule, for example in the quest to gather the flasks of oil (quest items) in Westfall, we had group loot and my partner, who is melee, would loot for first on every mob, and he got every flask of oil. Shouldn't the quest item loot be "on turn" (one him, one me) or something like that? That seemed to happen for every quest item, even after reloging or re-partying. Every other item which is not quest-related follows the group loot system normally. To get the quest item, I always had to loot first, on group loot and round robin. 2) opening a clam from westfall (and possibly other items) when inventory is full causes the clam to be deleted without even opening the looting window. "Inventory is full" error is also displayed, meaning they actually contained something.

How it should work: 1) quest items should be looted "on turn" like normal items, unlike FFA loot system 2) looting windows should appear when inventory is full

Source (you should point out proofs of your report, please give us some source):

Thank you for attention and great server

MonsterDooty commented 4 years ago

Can confirm that I've experienced this same issue and came here solely to describe this.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Both issues confirmed.

  1. Quest Items which do not have the Party Loot tag (f.ex. heads of Named Mobs) but rather have X amounts of a type of a Quest Item, do not follow the Group Loot/Round Robin rules for said Quest Items -- they're basically set to Free For All, hence anyone being able to just snatch the Quest Items first before anyone else in the same Group. Related issue report over on the TC bugtracker with more info:
  2. Opening Items which contain Loot of their own while Inventory is full only prints out the error that your Inventory is full, while removing said Loot-containing Item from your inventory and whatever must've been inside it, without actually opening the Loot Window. No mail containing the lost Loot gets sent either -- whatever's inside gets utterly lost as a result. Not fully looting these Containers or having a full Inventory when attempting to loot them should still display a Loot Window showing whatever's inside, without deleting the Container -- closing the Loot Window should also not delete the Container. It should be auto-deleted once whatever's inside it is looted. Related issue report over on the TC bugtracker with more info: with commment on here-mentioned "Inventory is full" error bug: