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Fix animations in pvp #2645

Open herewegoaganebugs opened 4 years ago

herewegoaganebugs commented 4 years ago

Decription: Thunderstorm. death grip, charge, w/e else all have broken animations, when you use them the targets instantly teleport and appear to where they should be without any animation of being pulled pushed etc

How it works:

How it should work:

Source (you should point out proofs of your report, please give us some source):

ghost commented 4 years ago

Report is incomplete -- provide proof of it happening in this server and under what circumstances. This was already reported (in a sense) here, but as you can see, it was debunked (intended behavior for Charge if described events happen during Charge).

Strictly visually, there's also a video that was recently posted on Discord showing some really odd bugs from the player's point of view, but from what can be seen, at least Fear seems to be alright.

See here what I mean:
herewegoaganebugs commented 4 years ago

how is that fear alright, they are are speeding up and blinking over the place.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hm. Went back and rechecked. Checks out. These ones in particular, as previously posted: Jitters about once, goes into a speed-up, then is normal.

Upon closer inspection, it seems the moment he jittered and went to the Warlock's side was actually supposed to be the first waypoint he sped past (notable by the jagged turn -- that was the end of that waypoint) and then displayed properly for the rest. Doesn't show properly for a half-second, blinks back and shuffles a bit, normal for the remainder (looks to have been the first waypoint again). First waypoint yet again (when caught mid-jump) seems to be sped-up (see after landing to the ground), normal for the rest.

So I stand corrected.

The rest are fine, though. However, that might be because in the rest of the timestamped moments, the victims are stationary (f.ex. Stunned or standing still to fire up a non-instant Cast).

It seems the first waypoint gets displayed improperly if the Targets are moving when caught by Fear.

herewegoaganebugs commented 4 years ago

i doubt this will ever get fixed, since it was present in angrathar aswell, so i dont know if there is point of even talking about it, but it really bad when especially the target is running in a direction that is the opposite if his real direction, so he suddenly speeds up like crazy to the real position Lining your casts unless u are quickly do a 360 turn with your mouse to predict where he will be, not to mention this probably gets worse with movement speed buffs like sprint etc. same happens with deathgrip in battlegrounds target teleports instantly and u can miss a spell since u dont register him being pulled in that large scale pvp and he instantly pops out at the dks location

ghost commented 4 years ago

i doubt this will ever get fixed, since it was present in angrathar aswell, so i dont know if there is point of even talking about it

I was unable to find a bugreport prior to this one that mentions this issue, although it might be under a different search term to be found (not gonna sift through pages manually). Anyway, if you don't talk about it -- i.e., these reports -- nobody will know or be able to keep track (namely the devs), so you can expect that outcome if people don't go on the bugtracker to make proper reports (as in full -- the template you're given is there for a reason).

Read the section -- this is pretty much how I make my own reports. "Steps to reproduce" and "Additional information" are paragraphs you can add yourself to help make reproducing bugs by other players and the devs easier in a step-by-step fashion, and provide links to database sites with the IDs of the bugged Spells/Items/Objects/NPCs etc. in question (if you can find them and not provide the wrong ones, that is).

but it really bad when especially the target is running in a direction that is the opposite if his real direction, so he suddenly speeds up like crazy to the real position Lining your casts unless u are quickly do a 360 turn with your mouse to predict where he will be, not to mention this probably gets worse with movement speed buffs like sprint etc.

Hence my guess after rewatching those timestamps that it's because of the victims' moving when they're caught -- if they're not moving, then it seems to be normal. It messes with the first waypoint you see them going to.

same happens with deathgrip in battlegrounds target teleports instantly and u can miss a spell since u dont register him being pulled in that large scale pvp and he instantly pops out at the dks location

Perhaps the victim of the Death Grip is also moving (I mean, it's PvP -- you have to move), and that's what causes it just like with Fear. So in theory, others like f.ex. a Warrior moving when they use Charge, it will exhibit this bug, but if they're not moving when they use it, it should be fine.

herewegoaganebugs commented 4 years ago

I mean you are contributing alot for sure, reporting bugs and whatnot, but i kinda dont have any hope left that there will be any kind of pvp scene, since all the focus is put in pve, so with that in mind im not really thrilled to make these perfect bug reports and waste my time when im not sure they are even gonna get fixed.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I can't speak for the staff, as I'm not part of them, but I wouldn't say that there's a bias to PvE -- personally I've reported quite a few PvE-related bugs nobody else has, which haven't been fixed yet either. Going by this, if nobody ever reports something, nobody else will know -- your already-little hope of things getting fixed would be non-existent if people wouldn't know that there's something to fix.

I'm also waiting on core/Stat/PvP/Warrior bugs to be fixed, but it needs time I guess, so, might as well give it time.

AbraKabastard commented 4 years ago

This also happens when you fear an NPC. Most notably caves but happens rarely in the overworld.