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Stormchops occurs too many clearcasts #3136

Closed antiferal closed 4 years ago

antiferal commented 4 years ago

Decription: Stormchops and Dragonbreath Chili occurs too many clearcasts on feral druid and ppl abuse that to dps increase.

How it works: Clearcasting is being procced by spell hits (ex. stormchops), while it should be spell casts only. How it should work: Clearcasts should procc from spell casts not for spell hits.

Source (you should point out proofs of your report, please give us some source): cc with food bez stormow without food Both screens are from following ID's encounter is the same with almost the same kill timer

ganderxx commented 4 years ago

As far as i know it does some stuff for other classes too not sure what, wowhead says something about stormchops proccing deepwounds on crits, clearcasting for shamans and maybe lightning shield on enh shaman iirc. I do not know If it procced ooc on retail since theres no comments about it and propably was never done/tried by majority of ppl? big problem is that stormchops has no cd it should have a cd of 8 seconds that would make it a lot less useful i guess. Also it currently hits more than 2 targets at once on sunwell, making the proc chance way higher on aoe/cleave

'' Just a note for all Warriors: Stormchop crits can proc Deep Wounds.''

"Getting a crit with Lightning Zap from Stormchops will build and fire charges from the Lightning Capacitor and will proc abilities such as Surge of Light (for Priests) and Clearcasting (for Shamans)

Kind of would make sense If it procs ooc for druids too since it does for shaman but Who knows at least the cd is completely wrong. "Essentially everything except shapeshifting can cause Clearcasting with this ability, regardless of whether it's a druid ability or not. The herbalist ability Lifeblood can trigger it." - wowwiki

Therefore, it is advantageous to have this active during a boss fight as it will provide you with a crit chance every 5 seconds or so.

Crits from Stormchop will also proc spell crit trinkets."

" I can confirm that Critical Strikes from this buff will grant combo points for Rogues spec'd into Honor Among Thieves."

But this also sounds kinda wierd so maybe it would be fine just To exclude them from ooc proccing list of there is such a way To fix this

styxel commented 4 years ago

Ive been doing alot of searching and shit when i was making my earlier bug/fix reports about ooc proccings, surely there was alot of wierd stuff that i found that procs it but im clueless about this one, but im pretty sure there was a trinket for example that did damage on hit and it had a chance to proc ooc but im not 100% sure, surely stormchops is broken as its proccing its damage thingie without any cd so id say atleast fix that. Dragonbreath chili seems very minor when i tested it (doesnt do damage often).

did some dummy testing 3minutes - with stormchops had 25 ooc procs stormchops was hitting constantly 4 dummies in undercity. 6.2k dps over 300hits with chops (6% of that would be 18 more procs). If stormchops had a 8sec cd the amount of more procs versus no stormchops would propably be only like 2-5procs more with my shit math skills?

without stormchops 15procs. 5,8k dps ofcourse there so much rng that would need to do more testing but it feels wierd like stormchops isnt 6% chance to proc it or something idk or maybe it counts as 1 hit when it hits like 4 targets at the same time.

So ye no wonder there is about 5more procs per 1 minute with chops since theres no cd on it.

But if u choose to fix something with omen of clarity just make sure u dont break anything else with it, its very sensitive :D.

Darnias commented 4 years ago

This isssue doesn't come from Stormchops, but how Clearcasting itself works on this server. If you use Gift of the Wild and buff 25 players you will always get a clearcasting, because it checks how many targets you hit and not the 1 spell you casted so it's wrong in the first place on this server.

ganderxx commented 4 years ago

Thats actually how its supposed to be, got tons of sources To back it up and gotw was fixed To work like that like month ago. Propably nothing wrong with Omen of clarity just these items have no cd on their procs.. And right now stormchops is useful for many classes that know what it can proc for them and its how it worked In retail.

styxel commented 4 years ago

Omen of clarity does by the way proc form spell hit not cast? as it only procs when the spell has actually landed on the target ? can be tested for example with wrath or something from a distance when the spell travels max distance.

eraghon98 commented 4 years ago

Hello, Omen of Clarity works like it should works. Stormchops should have GCD but not like 8 sec it was like 4, can't find source. AND PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH OOC please don't spoil/mess this talent, if u screw up this, feral spec would be useless. Tbh i was looking for reliable source about Stormchops and i can't find any info about GCD between tick's. And again don't screw up feral's dps,Thanks :)

styxel commented 4 years ago

theres a wowhead link most sources say its 8seconds and most videos (that are from retail not priv servers) ive seen show it proccing every 8 seconds so id say its 8seconds. So yea sure just dont make the spell work from "spell casts" only that would propably break it again, there are many instant spells that proc it like they should..

Kripp0 commented 4 years ago / / .

Kripp0 commented 4 years ago , ,

eraghon98 commented 4 years ago

Then fix CD to 8 sec on Stormchops and we are free to go :)

Belpheris commented 4 years ago

Please do not touch OOC at all. You will break it and I will have to reroll boomer. I have a proposal how to deal with these bug abuses. REMOVE Dragonbreath Chilli, Stormchops, and Immolation Oil from the game completely. There is NO REASON to be using these in first place. Remove them and everything will be fine. Goodluck.

Dkayzz commented 4 years ago

@Belpheris that's an extremely poor solution. Also, no one is suggesting a change in OOC. They are merely suggesting the implementation of the missing ICD of Stormchops. OOC wouldn't be affected in any way.

Belpheris commented 4 years ago

Even if stormchops get's 8 sec cooldown it will still be > any other consumable as long as it procs Clearcasting. And how about Dragonbreath Chilli or Immolation Oil? Both proc CC aswell... Nerfing proc rate by giving it GCD isn't fixing the problem....

Dkayzz commented 4 years ago

The only relevant thing is whether the current state of said items is retail-like. Whether they are superior, useful, or anything else is not really relevant.

eraghon98 commented 4 years ago

Even if stormchops get's 8 sec cooldown it will still be > any other consumable as long as it procs Clearcasting. And how about Dragonbreath Chilli or Immolation Oil? Both proc CC aswell... Nerfing proc rate by giving it GCD isn't fixing the problem....

it should be like it was on retail, thats all :)

styxel commented 4 years ago

Id say fix the icd of stormchops nd see what happens people overestimate chili as it proc% is kind of low atleast compared To stormchops which is nuts there is too little proof/info about what these consumables can proc and what they shouldnt as you know it procs other stuff for other classes too so no1 can say for sure if its blizzlike heard it procs killing machine for dks too?? Therefore i dont think this is neccessary only a feral "problem" its just most noticeable on them since Omen of clarity has such a big Impact on their dps. U cant find any guides telling u To use stormchops etc as part of ur rotation but theres alot of other stuff too that people didnt know/Do back In retail.

As for immolation oil u can use it only once In a fight + it does only 5 hits and for me its very buggy gives like an invisible cd on my potion of speed and i can only use them again after a relog?

And and another thing about these items is that In a 3 min single target fight i got 200 stormchops which equals avg +12ooc procs and 18 chili procs which equals 1 extra ooc proc on average so its not a massive thing on single target fights. Stormchops becomes way stronger when theres aoe/cleave like kologarn etc as it hits all 3 parts of the boss constantly with no cd.

This has been working this way on this serves since naxx btw it wasnt caused by recent fixes To Omen of clarity. This is my "first private server i play on so i dont know If it works on other servers too or even on angra?

it was hard for me to get a decent clip of deep wounds but i managed to get this, i was spamming hamstring to make stormchops proc constantly until one of them critted on the top right dummy making it have deepwounds now this is blizzlike confirmed in wowhead atleast and like 1% of warriors propably know about this ofc its way stronger on sunwell atm since theres no cooldown on it. my melee hits crit for 800 on my low lvl warr which make my deep wounds tick for 58ish, stormchops crit was making it tick 40s there i have no knowledge how deepwounds work maybe some1 knows more how good this "cd bug" is for them guess it like build ups in damage as u crit or something so stormchops would be useful here??

antiferal commented 4 years ago

just delete ferals dps they are useless anyway)))

Chryslol commented 4 years ago

Proccs Deep Wounds for warriors aswell. Make it 8 sec ICD would fix this but dno if it should procc clearcasting / deep wounds- seem weird.