SunwellTracker / issues

Sunwell Bug Tracker. Frosthold and Angrathar share the core, so all bugs will be fixed on both realms.
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Warrior Bug #45

Open Lenivietz opened 6 years ago

Lenivietz commented 6 years ago

Decription: Using Charge as a warrior sometimes causes monsters' renders to appear as if they were "levitating". Also if Blessing of Might is applied you can't get the Battle Shout buff. (or it does not display)

How it works:

How it should work:

Source (you should point out proofs of your report, please give us some source):

Helliox commented 5 years ago

You can't have both buffs. It's either Battle Shout or BoM as it gives the same bonus. That's not a bug.