SunwellWoW / Sunwell-TBC-Bugtracker

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[Instance] [Boss Mechanics] Shadow Lab - Blackheart the Inciter #1666

Open sicknot1 opened 5 years ago

sicknot1 commented 5 years ago

Blackheart the Inciter - Add issue #458 This boss skill "Incite Chaos" is broken

How it works: Players are stuck in one place without doing anything, feels like when a server DCs, ie. some partymembers are stuck running in the same spot. Goes to normal after phase ends.

How should it work:

Incite Chaos: Full party mind control. "The party will go free for all, and start randomly killing each other. He will not take part in this fight. Lasts approx 15 seconds. Dumps aggro. The first one is cast about 20 seconds in the fight, then again approximately every 40 seconds during the whole fight."

"Dumps aggro" is working

Wojtyas commented 5 years ago

Related with @lukaasm aura merge?

Bzmode commented 5 years ago

fixing bugs like this might be important with the boost coming soon and many people hitting 70. Also the last room before murmur

sicknot1 commented 5 years ago
