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[Raid] Gruul's Lair #173

Closed Adamsek closed 5 years ago

Adamsek commented 5 years ago

1. Trashes and overall things:

2. High King Maulgar

3. Gruul the Dragonkiller

I need to admit that we check it once, there could be some other minor bugs we didn't notice, but i listed the most impactful. Damage from spells and melee attacks seems fine, but there is a chance that particular mobs should hit more.

babno commented 5 years ago

Adding onto yours, after the first shatter he does not move. He doesn't evade but just sits still and takes whatever ranged damaged you do till dead. If you move into melee he will attack you.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

Adding to yours


Lair Brute





Blindeye the Seer

Olm the Summoner

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

Very good research:

Riztazz commented 5 years ago

re-test please after ptr update

notsofamous commented 5 years ago


High King Maulgar

Olm the Summoner

Kiggler the Crazed


Video of mage using ice block:

This can only be dispelled by complete Immunity effects and Cloak of Shadows (possibly escape artist; Blessing of Protection does NOT work). Players who dispel Gronn Lord's Grasp will STILL Shatter, which makes it important that they still stay away from others.

Although wowwiki does state

Shatter: After being Stoned, Gruul will shatter everyone, the damage dealt increases if players are closer to each other. This damage is physical, and goes through immunity shields such as Divine Shield and Ice Block. Ranges from 1100 if just within 15+ yards to over 8.5k if very close. Pets do not cause damage or get damage with this ability, but get stunned anyway.

But this doesn't change that these spells shouldn't remove the slow. Maybe they changed so damage could go through in a later patch.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

Found this:

Cave In: Random AoE which causes ~3000 damage every 3 seconds in the area. This occurs more frequently in later stages. This counts as melee damage and can be mitigated by armor. Growth also affects Cave In.

Suggesting that it should happen more often as the fight goes on.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

Shatter: After being Stoned, Gruul will shatter everyone, the damage dealt increasing if players are closer to each other. If players are 0yds between each other, the damage dealt will be around 5000. The more apart players are, the less damage is taken - no damage will be taken if players are 15yds(changed in recent patch from 20yds) away or more.

Pre nerf shatter should be 20 yds. Might be a bit too crazy?

Silroth commented 5 years ago

@notsofamous Pre-nerf Shatter range and damage should be added here, if i remember correctly the pre-nerf Shatter damage for 0 yards is around 9k, will add more info later on.

Also regarding this "Hateful strike doesn't hit targets at max melee range", this is not a bug but hitbox issue from retail, Hateful Strike tank needs to hug Gruul if he wants to soak up Hateful Strike.

Gruul baseattacktime should be 1800.

Currently his Ground Slam is used 35 seconds after pull (initial timer should be 60 seconds after pull) and he has a slight delay on his Shatter.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

We tried it, it did 8.7k without any armor, 6100 when wearing leather gear and standing right on top of each other. In that screenshot the guy is wearing mail and taking 6.6k while ~8 yds away.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

Added a task to the list.

Riztazz commented 5 years ago

Re-test after PTR update please (will happen in about 30 mins or so)

Silroth commented 5 years ago

Shatter should ignore armor and that guy is standing more than 8 yards away.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

I could not find a source of shatter ignoring armor, got a link?

Riztazz commented 5 years ago

Shatter ignoring armor makes sense, most of mechanics like that across expansions do ignore armor, also based on your screenshots, vids and so on - it makes even more sense for it to ignore armor (damage complaints above:P)

notsofamous commented 5 years ago


Kiggler the Crazed

Olm the Summoner


Creature AI has been changed to no longer prioritize attacking unfeared targets over feared targets.


Riztazz commented 5 years ago

re-test after ptr update please

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

Arcane Shock, 720–800 damage plus additional damage every 3 secs for 12 secs. Ranged attack he uses infrequently on the person with the highest threat.

notsofamous commented 5 years ago

From WoW bestiary (patch 2.3)

Gruul's Lair

Lair Brute: N/A
Gronn Priest: 6304-8907
High King Maulgar: 12214-17270
Olm the Summoner: 4104-5792
Krosh Firehand: 4101-5792
Kiggler the Crazed: 6834-9653
Blindeye the Seer: 1724-2435
Wild Fel Stalker: 1474-2084
Gruul: 6904-9761
notsofamous commented 5 years ago




Wojtyas commented 5 years ago

Clearing this one cuz its overspammed. Creating one final with new report + leftovers from here.