SunwellWoW / Sunwell-TBC-Bugtracker

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Apexis loot #3007

Open Avishai97 opened 5 years ago

Avishai97 commented 5 years ago

Description: available? should be 2.1

How it works:

How it should work:

Source (you should point out proofs of your report, please give us some source):

MiekZer commented 5 years ago

We are in 2.4.3 environment and even if content is virtually locked, itemization is not 3.0.1 as finally said by the devs. So where is the problem.

PS : If it should be in a further content due to "not being in 2.1 items" do we agree that this kind of stuff ( ) which is stronger than the apexis staff ( ) due to 2.1+ itemization shouldn't be lootable too?

Avishai97 commented 5 years ago

If that is how you are reasoning @MiekZer , then why isn't there any goggles from patch 2.1 in engineering? The "Tank Gun" from engineering etc. Cause they shouldn't be there in the first place, that goes the same for all the apexis items from ogri'la. Can you please do something about this asap sunwell? This thread was made 9 days ago...

zapsuu commented 5 years ago

Now depleted items are not available, but people who get it still can wear it. It's not fair, because for example Badge of Tenacity is the best feral trinket until you from Bloodboil (Black Temple) and MGT hc... So good for you. You should delete this items from any person on server or make it available for everyone, because rest of us are in worst position.