SunwellWoW / Sunwell-TBC-Bugtracker

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[Profession] Fishing #4460

Open Ironjudgment opened 5 years ago

Ironjudgment commented 5 years ago

Description: Fishing skill up chance is bugged (most likely).

How it works: Currently I am on my 33rd fish and no skill-up.

How it should work: According to from Dec 2007 the formula for fishing skill up is "(Current Fishing Skill - 75) / 25 = Rough number of successful catches for a skill-up".

(302 - 75) / 25 = 9.08

That means I should get a skill up at ~9 caught fish.

Source (you should point out proofs of your report, please give us some source): -> Skills Window

I will post more screenshots when I have them.

Edit: another screenshot from a different location. I skilled up up to 306 after 4 fish hookups each and then it took me 20 fish to skill up once.

Edit#2: 307 skill after 4 fish 308 skill after 3 fish 309 skill after 1 fish 310 skill after 16 fish

Edit#3: 311 skill after 22 fish

Ironjudgment commented 5 years ago

66th fish until skill up

babno commented 5 years ago

Fishing is all about that rng, and that's how averages work as you discovered. For every person that takes 33 fish to skill 3 will be after 1 fish. And for your 309 skill you were one of those 3 and there's some poor sod that took a few dozen. Is it cancer? Sure. But fishing was always cancer and that's why so few people level it now and then.

firngrod commented 5 years ago

At this point in the game, leveling fishing was decidedly not very randomized, as this Wiki article explains:

It's very standard and you can count the fish between skill ups with extreme accuracy. Knowing this can help alleviate some of the grind. A partial exception is that at some levels you will need a fraction of a fish to level, you might gain the skill point on the 11th fish and on the 10th the next (in reality you needed about 10.5 caught fish to increase). It appears that there might be a random factor of whether a particular fish increments the skill counter, leading to slightly different numbers of fish required from character to character (see El's mentioned in next paragraph).

What's on this server does not in any way match the "slightly different numbers of fish required from character to character". On this server it appears to be truly random, from what I've seen maxing one character's fishing.

Personally, I don't really have a problem. From how it felt to level here and how I remember it feeling to level on retail, I actually think it's faster on this server, on average, but that's just me.

Jonsse commented 5 years ago

There's a particular algorithm for professions on all(or most) private tbc servers. It's probably due to the core they use rather than it being scripted individually, don't know for certain obviously. There's always the same skill point lul after certain amount of casts. The same lul happens in weapon skills as well. Don't know where that algorithm comes from, it's not derived from how skill ups worked in retail tbc, that's for sure.