SuperCentral-Gaming-Community / AMX-Super-5.0.2

AMX Super 5.0.2 - Ultimate command system for HL1 engine based games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 2 forks source link

Apparently ignores #6

Closed rip1980 closed 2 years ago

rip1980 commented 2 years ago


g_pSpawnProtectMsg seems to allow the HUD message even though it's disabled in my config:

// (En/Dis)able the spawn protection HUD message. // 0 - Disable // 1 - Enable // // Default value: 1 amx_spawnprotect_message 0

I was comparing my install with GIT and haven't figured out why this is yet. HUD also displays 5 seconds when it's set to 3, and seems to hold Protection at 3 seconds.

rip1980 commented 2 years ago

One of my admins claims it holds the glow for the set protection time, but the actual protection is 5.

xLeviNx commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you follow the issue prompt that was given to report bugs? Thanks.

Reminder below

`# Show the output of the following:

version meta version meta list amxx version amxx plugins status

Add rcon if you're doing it from inside the server, via console. Meaning enter the server, open console. Type your password into rcon_password, and then run the above commands as:

rcon meta version rcon meta list rcon amxx version rcon amxx plugins rcon status

Provide error logs from amxmodx/logs/error_ and post them in code tags or upload to either hastebin/pastebin with an appropriate link.`

rip1980 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the reply, See below. I do not have any new errors in 2 weeks (and the old ones were only because I accidentally placed files in the wrong directory. I just restarted the server to make sure no new ones popped upon start.)

] rcon meta version
Metamod v1.21.1-am  2013-09-26 (5:13)
by Will Day <>
compiled: Sep 26 213, 17:09:41 -0500 (optimized)

Welcome to -[.40 cal ]- GUNGAME
] rcon meta list
Currently loaded plugins:
      description      stat pend  file              vers      src  load  unlod
 [ 1] dproto_EF        RUN   -    v0.9.582  ini  Start Never
 [ 2] AMX Mod X        RUN   -    amxmodx_mm_i386.  v1.8.2    ini  Start ANY  
 [ 3] POD-Bot mm       RUN   -    podbot_mm_i386.s  vV3B23a   ini  Chlvl ANY  
 [ 4] Fun              RUN   -  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   NY  
 [ 5] CStrike          RUN   -    cstrike_amxx_i38  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   ANY  
 [ 6] CSX              RUN   -  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   ANY  
 [ 7] FakeMeta         RUN   -    fakemeta_amxx_i3  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   ANY  
 [ 8] Ham Sandwich     RUN   -    hamsandwich_amxx  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   ANY  
 [ 9] Engine           RUN   -    engine_amxx_i386  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   ANY  
 [10] MySQL            RUN   -    mysql_amxx_i386.  v1.8.2    pl2  ANY   ANY  
10 plugins, 10 running

] rcon amxx version
AMX Mod X 1.8.2 (
    David "BAILOPAN" Anderson, Pavol "PM OnoTo" Marko
    Felix "SniperBeamer" Geyer, Jonny "Got His Gun" Bergstrom
    Lukasz "SidLuke" Wlasinski, Christian "Basic-Master" Hammacher
    Borja "faluco" Ferrer, Scott "DS" Ehlert
Compiled: Feb 14 2013, 00:55:09
Build ID: 1.8.2 61:2ae84f7c0a97
Core mode: JIT+ASM32

] rcon amxx plugins
Currently loaded plugins:
       name                    version     author            file             status   
 [  1] Admin Bse              1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     admin.amxx       running  
 [  2] Admin Commands          1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     admincmd.amxx    running  
 [  3] Admin Help              1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     adminhelp.amxx   running  
 [  4] Slots Reservation       1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     adminslots.amxx  running  
 [  5] Menus Front-End         1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     menufront.amxx   running  
 [  6] Commands Menu           1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     cmdmenu.amxx     running 
 [  7] Players Menu            1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     plmenu.amxx      running  
 [  8] Maps Menu               1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     mapsmenu.amxx    running  
 [  9] Plugin Menu             1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     pluginmenu.amxx  running  
 [ 10] Std Admin Color Chat    1.1.1       Van der Cal       std_admin_color  running  
 [ 11] Admin Chat              1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     adminchat.amxx   running  
 [ 12] Scrolling Message       1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     scrollmsgamxx   running  
 [ 13] Info. Messages          1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     imessage.amxx    running  
 [ 14] Admin Votes             1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     adminvote.amxx   running  

 [ 15] NextMap                 1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     nextmap.amxx     running  
 [ 16] TimeLeft                1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     timeleft.amxx    running  
 [ 17] Restrict Weapons        1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     restmenu.amxx    running  
 [ 18] StatsX                  1.8.2       AMXX Dev Tam     statsx.amxx      running  
 [ 19] CS Misc. Stats          1.8.2       AMXX Dev Team     miscstats.amxx   running  
 [ 20] AMX Super               4.2         Bmann_420         amx_super.amxx   running  
 [ 21] Ultimate Chat           1.2         [ --<-@ ]         ultimate_chat.a  running  
 [ 22] High Ping Kicker        1.2.0       DynAstY           hpk.amxx         running  
 [ 23] Restrict Names          1.2a        Brad Jones        restrictnames.a  running  
 [ 24] Admin Spectator ESP     1.3        KoST              admin_spec_esp.  running  
 [ 25] Swear Replacement       1.5         kaboomkazoom      swear_replaceme  running  
 [ 26] GHW Auto Message Displ  2.1         GHW_Chronic       GHW_Message_Dis  running  
 [ 27] Team Balancer           1.8b3       Ptahhotep         ptb.amxx         running  
 [ 28] Game Namer              1.1         NeuroToxin        gamenamechanger  running  
 [ 29] Ping Faker              1.5         MeRcyLeZZ         pingfaker.amxx   running  

 [ 30] Team Semiclip          2.0.0       schmurgel1983     cs_team_semicli  running  
 [ 31] SQL Bans Beta           1.1-beta    Sylwester         sqlbans.amxx     running  
 [ 32] GunGame AMXX            2.13c       Avalanche         gungame.amxx     running  
 [ 33] Rotating logo           1.0         Sylwester         rotating_logo.a  running  
 [ 34] Kick NonSteam Admins    1.1         Sylwester         kick_nonsteam_a  running  
 [ 35] God Mode                1.0         Sp4rt4n           amx_god.amxx     running  
 [ 3] Advanced Bans           0.7         Exolent           advanced_bans.a  running  
36 plugins, 36 running

] rcon status
hostname:  -[.40 cal ]- GUNGAME
version :  48/ 7882 secure  (10)
tcp/ip  :
map     :  gg_33_circa at: 0 x, 0 y, 0 z
players :  1 active (32 max)

#      name userid uniqueid frag time ping loss adr
# 1 "Sp#3 On D Road [rip]" 589 STEAM_0:0: :)   0 01:05   13    0 :)
1 users

] condump
xLeviNx commented 2 years ago

You're using an older version of amx super. The latest is 5.0.2. Second, we do not support non-steam. Please remove all non-steam related content if you want continued support.