SuperDARN / dswg-published-docs

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[DATA-ISSUE] Level 1 RAWACF dmap multi-channel naming #8

Open mardet987 opened 4 years ago

mardet987 commented 4 years ago

Submitter Name and Institution

Name/Institution: PI-mandated, contact via Executive Council Chair

Issue Type

* Findability * Standard Infringement

Description of Issue

The SuperDARN Executive Council have decided a standard should be written by this group for RAWACF dmap distributed files (current level 1 standard) to have a,b,....z channel designation in the filename, if the radar produces multi-channel data. As well, if channel designations are provided, 'a' is to indicate the 'convection map mode'. The definition of this mode is to be included in the standard; it seems to be clearly defined for common mode but other types of scheduling time may need to be accounted for.

DSWG to write this standard and determine how to retroactively implement this, if at all.

Suggested Solution

A standard should be written for this and include definitions of the following:

'convection map mode' 'multi-channel radar' - and pointing to metadata of where to determine if the radar is thus classified

In addition, guidelines should be added for radars that may produce >26 receive channels in a 2 hour period. Perhaps any additional data over 'z' will not be distributed on the mirror, or to provide a data size limitation on any 2-hour period, which may in addition be helpful to the maintainers of the mirror.

Retroactive implementation suggested to fit the standard and improve findability of datasets for users, if supported by DDWG.