SuperDARN / pydarn

Python library for visualizing SuperDARN Data
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
31 stars 11 forks source link

Release: pyDARN v4.1! #398

Closed carleyjmartin closed 2 days ago

carleyjmartin commented 1 month ago


This minor release includes:

Documentation updates are found here:


Number of approvals: 3

Please check that you are happy with your inclusion and position in the zenodo files for authorship - and let me know if I forgot anyone!


Before testing this release, please check out the following unmerged PR's if they have been set as ready to review!


We are expecting pyDARNio to be released before this release of pyDARN is ready, if you find you are getting a numpy error when testing, this is fixed in the latest pyDARNio release, is outside the scope of pyDARN so please either downgrade numpy to version 1.26.4 or install the release/develop branch of pyDARNio, thanks!

matplotlib version: 3.7.0 + numpy version: No restrictions Cartiopy: 0.22 + Note testers: please indicate what version of matplotlib, Cartopy and numpy you are using

What needs testing:

For examples of test code, see the readthedocs link above.

For those interested, you can also run the unit tests by installing pytest and running pytest from the top directory of a clone of this branch.


September 6th 2024 - but earlier the better!

Carley's To Do List:

hiyadutuje commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone,

I am using pyDARN 4.0, matplotlib 3.8.4 and numpy 1.26.4. The attached are the output I get from different codes. Figure_11 Figure_10 Figure_9 Figure_8 Figure_7 Figure_6 Figure_5 Figure_4 Figure_3 Figure_2 Figure_1

I am still trying the new PRs.

Doreban commented 1 month ago

Testing environment: OpenSuse 15.5, numpy 1.26.4, matplotlib 3.9.1, cartopy 0.23.0, pydarn 4.1

I did some testing of fan and fov plots. Tested all plots on POLAR, MAG, and GEO projections, and found no issues with plots generated. Embargo flag is working, as is adjusting the MAG and GEO plot center and extent. Overall didn't find any issues with the fan or fov plots.

Doreban commented 1 month ago

Testing environment: OpenSuse 15.5, numpy 1.26.4, matplotlib 3.9.1, cartopy 0.23.0, pydarn 4.1

Did some more testing, on grid and map plotting now. Grid plots are working with all projections for both northern and southern hemisphere. Tested plotting each parameter type of the grid file and had no issues.

Similar for map plots. Both northern and southern hemisphere plotted fine and I had no issues with any of the keyword options. Each parameter plotted without issue. Also had no issues plotting map time series for various parameters and potential time series parameter worked as expected.

carleyjmartin commented 1 month ago

I've added ruff as an automatic linter for commits and pull requests to this branch and develop (you'll see develop is failing because I've only fixed errors here). Anyway, this will be a nice check when anyone commits to a branch or makes a pull request in the future as it will automatically tell you if there are issues with style or imports etc - you can see below that there are now checks on the pull request, which should say they've passed, and you get a little tick by your commit message to say that it's good.

Doreban commented 1 month ago

Testing environment: OpenSuse 15.5, numpy 2.0.1, matplotlib 3.9.1, cartopy 0.23.0, pydarn 4.1

Finished reviewing summary plots / time series plotting as well as hardware files. Changes to summary plotting to allow a subset of parameters to be plotted is working well, and all the RTP plots seem to be working (I don't think there were many if any changes to the RTP plots so I wasn't super thorough). Hardware files for the new NSSC radars are present and I had no issues checking the hardware files or plotting the FOVs of all SuperDARN radars.

Also, no issues with newer versions of numpy now.

Doreban commented 1 month ago

Testing environment: OpenSuse 15.5, numpy 2.0.1, matplotlib 3.9.1, cartopy 0.23.0, pydarn 4.1

Also tested ACF plotting with a number of keywords and found no problems.

Doreban commented 1 month ago

Testing Environment: Windows 10, numpy 2.0.1, matplotlib 3.9.1, cartopy 0.23.0, pydarn 4.1

Ran the same tests I ran on OpenSuse on my Windows laptop and came across no issues.