SuperElastix / SimpleElastix

Multi-lingual medical image registration library
Apache License 2.0
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AffineDTITransform does not return the CenterOfRotationPoint #480

Open LunaMaris opened 1 year ago

LunaMaris commented 1 year ago


I encountered an issue when using the AffineDTITransform. Co-registration with this transformation works fine, but when I extract the TransformParameterMap to apply it to another image with transformix, the CenterOfRotationPoint is not properly extracted. The following error is thrown when applying the TransformParameterMap with transformix:

ERROR: No center of rotation is specified in the transform parameter file

--------------- Exception ---------------

itk::ExceptionObject (000000FBD11FB9C8) Location: "unknown" File: C:\Users\32499\Libraries\builds\Elastix\Components\Transforms\AffineDTITransform\elxAffineDTITransform.hxx Line: 87 Description: itk::ERROR: AffineDTITransformElastix(00000247F5486070): Transform parameter file is corrupt.

This issue is exactly the same as the one described here: According to these posts the issue should be solved in Elastix, but I still receive the error with SimpleElastix.

Is there a way to solve this?

Thank you for your help!