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PERF: Replace PlatformMultiThreader with MultiThreaderBase #1150

Closed N-Dekker closed 2 weeks ago

N-Dekker commented 2 weeks ago

MultiThreaderBase typically uses a thread pool, by default. As set by itk::MultiThreaderBase::GetGlobalDefaultThreaderPrivate():

See also: "Platform multi-threader should be avoided, as it introduces the biggest overhead".

Might improve the performance of:

(as noted below, in comments "in-line" with the code changes.)

@mstaring @stefanklein FYI, I already noticed before that elastix was already using the ITK thread pool, even before I started adding more multi-threading. With this commit, I exhaustively replaced every remaining "PlatformMultiThreader" with "MultiThreaderBase". MultiThreaderBase is typically using the ITK thread pool. (When looking in the code, note that the old ThreaderType was defined as PlatformMultiThreader.)

N-Dekker commented 2 weeks ago

I think this pull request is OK, just wondering if any performance effect will be noticed in practice. As I said before, this PR affects: