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ENH: Add support ComputeZYX parameter to EulerStackTransform (for 3D) #1155

Closed N-Dekker closed 1 week ago

N-Dekker commented 2 weeks ago

Supports specifying parameter (ComputeZYX "true"), when the transform is "EulerStackTransform" and the image stack is 4D (meaning that the images are 3D).

Triggered by a question from Laurens Beljaards.

N-Dekker commented 1 week ago

It appears that this ITK Euler3DTransform bug fix should be included with elastix AdvancedEuler3DTransform as well: "BUG: Interpretation of the Euler angles ZYX or ZXY was not exported.", Ziv Yaniv (@zivy), May 9, 2016,

(elastix AdvancedEuler3DTransform is still from 2009, so it did not yet have this ITK Euler3DTransform fix from 2016.)