SuperFlyTV / GraphicsDataDefinition

A subset of JSON-schema, defining a generic data interchange bwtween graphics templates and their controllers
MIT License
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GDD type to select something from CasparCG server #13

Open didikunz opened 1 year ago

didikunz commented 1 year ago

Sometimes one needs to be able to select an image, clip or dataset from CasparCG server. Maybe we could add GDD types for that. These would be exclusive for Caspar, as it does not make sense for vMix etc.

Maybe these listings could also be restricted to a sub-folder in Caspar. So, for instance, that the user can only choose images pr clips in one server folder, that are put there (by some external process) to be used for that purpose. Possible scenario: over the shoulder graphic or clip in news.

To be able to select a dataset is use full in situations where a system does only allow templates to have variables (MOS). The template would then invoke an update command to itself with the given dataset.

nytamin commented 1 year ago

You bring up some good points!

It believe that some of this should be covered in how a client chooses to implement the gddTypes file-path or file-path/image-path. It cannot not be up to the template to know in what context or what system it is going to be rendered in, but that is something the playout client would know, so it should be able to determine that for example: "This template is going to be rendered in CasparCG, so the files that I'm going to let the user pick from will be in the template folder".

The ability to restrict selection to some kind of a sub-folder would be a nice addition to the file-path and file-path/image-path though!