SuperFlyTV / SuperConductor

A playout client for Windows/Linux/macOS that will let you control CasparCG Server, BMD ATEM, OBS Studio, vMix, OSC-compatible devices, HTTP (REST)-compatible devices, and more!
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Question: How does one start playing from somewhere inside the part? #202

Closed pbelbin closed 2 months ago

pbelbin commented 3 months ago

Describe your question

I have a HyperDeck, and I have a video clip that is too long. eg: 5:30 or so. But, I want to stop at some point prior to the end, to omit the trailing portion.

I don't know exactly how much time I need to omit, so I need to eyeball it.

Seems like currently, all I have the ability to do is hit 'play' (from the beginning), pause/resume and stop.

I want to be able to set a 'play from' point while editing the part, hit play, then be able to stop and perhaps re-start from the 'play from' to see that my adjustments to the duration are correct & repeat as needed.

How is this done?

nytamin commented 3 months ago

SuperConductor uses the Timeline-State-Resolver library to control playback. Unfortunately, it currently does not support seeking into clips for hyperdeck (only for CasparCG). To solve this, one would have to open a PR to TSR to add support for seeking into files (somewhere around here).

pbelbin commented 3 months ago

Hmmmmmm. That may be part of the solution.

But, even if you don't have a HyperDeck playout device, and are using CasparCG, how does one initiate playout partway through the part?

Is there a way to point at a location in the part and cause playout to start from that point in the part?

Or, is there a way to drag the vertical line that shows up during playout of a part and drag it to a different location, and continue from there?

eg: part lasts 5 minutes in total, but I want to see the last 30 seconds of it to check how it looks. Is there a way to not have to wait the previous 4 and a half minutes?

pbelbin commented 3 months ago

@nytamin ,

even if the part is made up of lots of smaller timeline items, it seems that currently, there's still no way to ask for the playout of a part to start at 4:30 into the 5 minute long part, and have it pick up playout at the start of the next item in the part (or even better, part way within a single source)?

I tried using CasparCG, and it still seems there is no way to start playout from somewhere arbitrary within the part by using the mouse to indicate where playout should start.

Is there another way to do this currently, or is this functionality that's yet to become available, and should be a feature request?

Thank you!

nytamin commented 3 months ago

Currently, you can set the Seek property in on CasparCG clip to start playing from that time of the clip. There is this FR to make the GUI more intuitive for setting the seek time (ie by dragging the inpoint in the timeline view) :

There currently isn't any feature request to start playing a part from a place within it, feel free to write one if you'd like!

pbelbin commented 2 months ago

Just FYI, I have opened a feature request for this: