SuperHouse / AirQualitySensorD1Mini

Particulate Matter Sensor firmware for a Plantower PMS5003 connected to a Wemos D1 Mini
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Support for wifimanager and ota? #1

Open jascdk opened 4 years ago

jascdk commented 4 years ago

Hi and thanks for sharing your project :) is it possible that you would update the code with WiFi manager and or if so maybe also Arduino OTA . Would be cool to set all the parameters through the WiFi manager web interface and also be able to upload eventual updates over the air :) I’m currently waiting for my parts from AliExpress to complete the project :)

jonoxer commented 4 years ago

Definitely. That would be awesome. I haven't added WiFi Manager to a project before so it'll be a good chance to learn how it works. I've done OTA on a few projects already.